Louis1351 / Spline-Objects-Tool-UE4

A tool for Unreal Engine 4 which allows to spawn Instanced Meshes / Actors / Decals along a spline in the editor. The spline's points can snap to the environment and the objects can be aligned to the surface.
MIT License
39 stars 13 forks source link
plugin spline tool ue4 unreal-engine-4


A tool for Unreal Engine 4 which allows to spawn Instanced Meshes / Actors / Decals along a spline in the editor. The spline's points can snap to the environment and the objects can be aligned to the surface.

How to install

Create a Plugins folder into your project and paste the folder SplineObjects which is located into ToExport/Plugins/.

Now you can create some Spline Objects Actors.

More Details

You can find some examples of the use in the Spline-Objects-Tool-UE4 project scenes.

Spline Settings

Objects Settings

Decals Spawn Settings (Only works when Is Snapping is checked)

Instanced StaticMeshes Spawn Settings

Actors Spawn Settings

Transform Settings

Location Settings

Rotation Settings

Scale Settings

Debug Settings

To Do