An addition to the Sungrow Inverter Repository from mkaiser.
This integration lets you gather sensor data and control several parameters of (currently only one) Sungrow Wallbox, the AC011E-01.
Please ensure the connection to either the inverter or other connection to a network is stable, else you might get false readings.
The documentation covers following topics:
Open the WiNet-S web interface /LAN or WLAN) and lookup the slave id of your wallbox (here 3):
Add the following lines to your secrets.yaml and set your values:
wallbox_modbus_host_ip: expressif # TODO update with the IP of your inverters WiNet-S dongle (not ModBus LAN port). No default. Check your router.
wallbox_modbus_port: 502 # TODO update with the Modbus port of your inverter WiNet-S dongle. Default is '502'
wallbox_modbus_slave: 3 #TODO update with the slave address of your wallbox. Default is '3'
The file modbus_wallbox.yaml contains the Modbus register maps, template sensors and automations. Copy the file to the subfolder named "integrations", which is located at the same level as your "configurations.yaml". Do not forget to check your configuration (Developer Tools --> hit "check configuration" and restart: it won't work without a restart!)
After the restart, some new sensors should be available. E.g., check for "Wallbox device type"
Please consider using a ModBus proxy if you have problems with reading the registers. ModBus needs some time especially in combination with the WiNet-S dongle. For me its working a connection_time of 0.5.
If you any kind of assistance, you have two options:
Use the github discussion
Only if code-related (bugs / contributions): Open an github issue or isse a pullrequest