Loupi / node-cypher-parser

A Cypher parser/linter addon module for NodeJS.
MIT License
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Build Status macOS Linux TypeScript codecov codebeat badge Docs License


A cypher graph query language parser/linter addon module for NodeJS.
It relies on libcypher-parser and rapidjson under the hood.


Supported Systems

Sorry Windows users, the libcypher-parser depencency cannot be built on your systems. A port is currently in progress. Meanwhile, you can still run a docker container on Windows to use it.


npm install cypher-parser

The installation process will try to download a pre-built binary module matching your Node and OS version.
If it cannot be found, you will have to first run the steps in Custom Build.


The cypher-parser module has only one exported function: parse.
It takes a query string or a ParseParameters object as input, and returns a promise as output.
On success, the promise returns a ParseResult object or a string.
On failure, a CypherParserError object is thrown. It contains a ParseResult object for more details.

export interface ParseParameters {
  query: string;      // The cypher query to parse.
  width?: number;     // Width of the text AST output. Default 0.
  dumpAst?: boolean;  // If true, the ParseResult will contain a text description of the AST tree. Default false.
  rawJson?: boolean;  // If true, the result will be a json string instead of a ParseResult object. Default false.
  colorize?: boolean; // If true, the text AST output and error descriptions will be ANSI colored. Nice for console output.
  parseOnlyStatements?: boolean; // If true, client commands will not be parsed. Default true.
export interface ParseResult {
  ast: string;                        // A text description of the AST tree.
  errors: ParseError[];               // Array of parse error encountered.
  directives: parseResultDirective[]; // Parsed cypher directives.
  roots: ast.AstNode[];               // The AST tree of the parsed query. Can be walked by programs. See API doc for details.
  nnodes: number;                     // Number of nodes parsed.

async function testCypher() { const query = "MATCH (node1:Label1)-->(node2:Label2)\n" + "WHERE node1.propertyA = {value}\n" + "RETURN node2.propertyA, node2.propertyB";

try { const result = await cypher.parse({ query: query, dumpAst: true, colorize: true }); console.log(result.ast); } catch (e) { const result: cypher.CypherParserError = e; for (const error of result.parseResult.errors) { console.log(error.position.line + ":" + error.position.column + ": " + error.message); console.log(error.context); console.log(" ".repeat(error.contextOffset) + "^"); console.log(result.parseResult.ast); } } }

* **Javascript**
var cypher = require('cypher-parser');

async function testCypher() {
  var query = "MATCH (node1:Label1)-->(node2:Label2)\n" +
    "WHERE node1.propertyA = {value}\n" +
    "RETURN node2.propertyA, node2.propertyB";

  try {
    var result = await cypher.parse({
      query: query,
      dumpAst: true,
      colorize: true
  } catch (e) {
    for (var i = 0; i < e.parseResult.errors.length; i++) {
      var error = e.errors[i];
      console.log(error.position.line + ":" + error.position.column + ": " + error.message);
      console.log(" ".repeat(error.contextOffset) + "^");

Custom Build

In case a binary distribution is not available for your system, you must install build tools and compile the libcypher-parser dependency like this: