Lovi-0 / StreamingCommunity

Script to download movies and TV series.
GNU General Public License v3.0
149 stars 17 forks source link
api films filmseries streaming-api streaming-video video-downloader

This repository provide a simple script designed to facilitate the downloading of films and series from a popular streaming community platform. The script allows users to download individual films, entire series, or specific episodes, providing a seamless experience for content consumers.

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Table of Contents


Automatic Installation

Supported OSs for Automatic Installation πŸ’Ώ

OS Automatic Installation Support
Windows 10/11 βœ”οΈ
Windows 7 ❌
Debian Linux βœ”οΈ
Arch Linux βœ”οΈ
CentOS Stream 9 βœ”οΈ
FreeBSD ⏳
MacOS βœ”οΈ
Termux ❌

Installation βš™οΈ

Run the following command inside the main directory:

On Windows:


On Linux/MacOS/BSD:

sudo chmod +x unix_install.sh && ./unix_install.sh

Usage πŸ“š

Run the script with the following command:

On Windows:

python .\run.py


source .venv/bin/activate && python run.py && deactivate

On Linux/MacOS/BSD:


Manual Installation

Requirement πŸ“‹

Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

Installation βš™οΈ

Install the required Python libraries using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Usage πŸ“š

Run the script with the following command:

On Windows:

python run.py

On Linux/MacOS:

python3 run.py


Keep your script up to date with the latest features by running:

On Windows:

python update_version.py

On Linux/MacOS:

python3 update_version.py

Configuration βš™οΈ

You can change some behaviors by tweaking the configuration file.

DEFAULT * **debug**: Enables or disables debug mode. - **Default Value**: `false` * **root_path**: Path where the script will add movies and TV series folders (see [Path Examples](#Path-examples)). - **Default Value**: `Video` * **map_episode_name**: Mapping to choose the name of all episodes of TV Shows (see [Episode Name Usage](#Episode-name-usage)). - **Default Value**: `%(tv_name)_S%(season)E%(episode)_%(episode_name)` * **not_close**: When activated, prevents the script from closing after its initial execution, allowing it to restart automatically after completing the first run. - **Default Value**: `false`
REQUESTS * **timeout**: The timeout value for requests. - **Default Value**: `15` * **verify_ssl**: Whether to verify SSL certificates. - **Default Value**: `false` * **proxy**: To use proxy create a file with name list_proxy.txt and copy ip and port like "". They need to be http
M3U8_DOWNLOAD * **tqdm_use_large_bar**: Whether to use large progress bars during downloads (Downloading %desc: %percentage:.2f %bar %elapsed < %remaining %postfix - **Default Value**: `true` - **Example Value**: `false` with Proc: %percentage:.2f %remaining %postfix * **specific_list_audio**: A list of specific audio languages to download. - **Example Value**: `['ita']` * **specific_list_subtitles**: A list of specific subtitle languages to download. - **Example Value**: `['ara', 'baq', 'cat', 'chi', 'cze', 'dan', 'dut', 'eng', 'fil', 'fin', 'forced-ita', 'fre', 'ger', 'glg', 'gre', 'heb', 'hin', 'hun', 'ind', 'ita', 'jpn', 'kan', 'kor', 'mal', 'may', 'nob', 'nor', 'pol', 'por', 'rum', 'rus', 'spa', 'swe', 'tam', 'tel', 'tha', 'tur', 'ukr', 'vie']` * **cleanup_tmp_folder**: Upon final conversion, ensures the removal of all unformatted audio, video tracks, and subtitles from the temporary folder, thereby maintaining cleanliness and efficiency. - **Default Value**: `false`
M3U8_PARSER * **force_resolution**: Forces the use of a specific resolution. `-1` means no forced resolution. - **Default Value**: `-1` - **Example Value**: `1080` * **get_only_link**: Print hls m3u8 link and path file. - **Default Value**: `false`

[!IMPORTANT] If you're on Windows you'll need to use double back slash. On Linux/MacOS, one slash is fine.

Path examples:

Episode name usage:

You can choose different vars:

NOTE: You don't need to add .mp4 at the end

Docker 🐳

You can run the script in a docker container, to build the image just run

docker build -t streaming-community-api .

and to run it use

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 streaming-community-api

By default the videos will be saved in /app/Video inside the container, if you want to to save them in your machine instead of the container just run

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -v /path/to/download:/app/Video streaming-community-api

Docker quick setup with Make

Inside the Makefile (install make) are already configured two commands to build and run the container:

make build-container

# set your download directory as ENV variable
make LOCAL_DIR=/path/to/download run-container

The run-container command mounts also the config.json file, so any change to the configuration file is reflected immediately without having to rebuild the image.

Tutorial πŸ“–

win linux

To do πŸ“