Lovrom8 / RSMods

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DLL - Bug - Can't Get Down Arrow to Work with Guitar Speak #102

Closed functionreturnfunction closed 2 years ago

functionreturnfunction commented 2 years ago

I've only tested down/up arrow, escape and enter, since those are really the only keys I need. Everything else has worked except for Down Arrow.

ffio1 commented 2 years ago


Would you mind attaching your RSMods.ini file so we can see what your current setup is. It would be great for us to be able to reproduce it.

I'm currently at work so me being able to test it and give you a response will be in a couple hours when I'm off.

Thanks, Ffio

functionreturnfunction commented 2 years ago

Wow that's a quick response, many thanks! My RSMods.ini is as follows:

SongListTitle_1 = Define Song List 1 Here
SongListTitle_2 = Define Song List 2 Here
SongListTitle_3 = Define Song List 3 Here
SongListTitle_4 = Define Song List 4 Here
SongListTitle_5 = Define Song List 5 Here
SongListTitle_6 = Define Song List 6 Here
ToggleLoftKey = 
ShowSongTimerKey = 
ForceReEnumerationKey = 
RainbowStringsKey = 
RainbowNotesKey = 
RemoveLyricsKey = 
RRSpeedKey = 
[Audio Keybindings]
MasterVolumeKey = 
SongVolumeKey = 
Player1VolumeKey = 
Player2VolumeKey = 
MicrophoneVolumeKey = 
VoiceOverVolumeKey = 
SFXVolumeKey = 
ChangedSelectedVolumeKey = 
[Toggle Switches]
ToggleLoft = off
VolumeControl = off
ShowSongTimer = off
ForceReEnumeration = off
RainbowStrings = off
RainbowNotes = off
ExtendedRange = off
ExtendedRangeDropTuning = off
CustomStringColors = 0
Headstock = off
Skyline = off
GreenScreenWall = off
ForceProfileLoad = on
Fretless = off
Inlays = off
ToggleLoftWhen = manual
LaneMarkers = off
ToggleSkylineWhen = song
Lyrics = off
RemoveLyricsWhen = manual
GuitarSpeak = on
RemoveHeadstockWhen = song
ScreenShotScores = off
RRSpeedAboveOneHundred = off
AutoTuneForSong = off
AutoTuneForSongDevice = 
ChordsMode = off
ShowCurrentNoteOnScreen = on
OnScreenFont = Arial
ProfileToLoad = j
ShowSongTimerWhen = manual
ShowSelectedVolumeWhen = manual
SecondaryMonitor = off
[String Colors]
string0_N = ff4f5a
string1_N = e2c102
string2_N = 1dacf9
string3_N = ff9216
string4_N = 3fcc0c
string5_N = c825ed
string0_CB = 00c68e
string1_CB = ff4f5a
string2_CB = e2c102
string3_CB = 1dacf9
string4_CB = ff9216
string5_CB = 3fcc0c
note0_N = ff4f5a
note1_N = e2c102
note2_N = 1dacf9
note3_N = ff9216
note4_N = 3fcc0c
note5_N = c825ed
note0_CB = 00c68e
note1_CB = ff4f5a
note2_CB = e2c102
note3_CB = 1dacf9
note4_CB = ff9216
note5_CB = 3fcc0c
[Mod Settings]
ExtendedRangeModeAt = -5
CheckForNewSongsInterval = 5000
RRSpeedInterval = 2
TuningPedal = 
TuningOffset = 0
VolumeControlInterval = 5
SecondaryMonitorXPosition = 0
SecondaryMonitorYPosition = 0
SeparateNoteColors = 0
[Guitar Speak]
GuitarSpeakDeleteWhen = 
GuitarSpeakSpaceWhen = 
GuitarSpeakEnterWhen = 50
GuitarSpeakTabWhen = 
GuitarSpeakPGUPWhen = 
GuitarSpeakPGDNWhen = 
GuitarSpeakUPWhen = 45
GuitarSpeanDNWhen = 40
GuitarSpeakESCWhen = 55
GuitarSpeakCloseWhen = 
GuitarSpeakOBracketWhen = 
GuitarSpeakCBracketWhen = 
GuitarSpeakTildeaWhen = 
GuitarSpeakForSlashWhen = 
GuitarSpeakAltWhen = 
GuitarSpeakWhileTuning = off
[Highway Colors]
CustomHighwayColors = off
CustomHighwayNumbered = 
CustomHighwayUnNumbered = 
CustomHighwayGutter = 
CustomFretNubmers = 
[GUI Settings]
CustomTheme = off
ThemeBackgroundColor = F0FFFF
ThemeTextColor = 000000
ThemeButtonColor = E3E3E3
BackupProfile = on
NumberOfBackups = 50
ffio1 commented 2 years ago

Actually. Quick glance over our code and I already see the issue. It also seems to affect PageDown. I'll push a fix on my lunch break here in a couple minutes. It won't see a public release for a while (when we determine our fixes are worthy of a new patch) but this should be a simple thing to fix. I'll send you a link to the DLL to use when I get the patch sent in.

functionreturnfunction commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks!

ffio1 commented 2 years ago

Wait... I see the issue. It's not in the DLL but in the GUI... We save the settings wrong.

"GuitarSpeanDNWhen" should be "GuitarSpeakDNWhen". Can you change this in your INI manually (Don't open the RSMods tool) then open Rocksmith and let me know if it's fixed?

functionreturnfunction commented 2 years ago

Confirmed, making that correction in the INI allows me to send down arrow using the note I've selected (E2)

ffio1 commented 2 years ago

Perfect. I'm creating a new build of the GUI right now that will fix this issue.

ffio1 commented 2 years ago

If you go here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/Lovrom8/rsmods/build/artifacts and download the "RSMods.zip" file you can extract all the files from the zip archive into your RSMods folder (should be located inside your Rocksmith folder). In it's current state (before the patch), the GUI would save it with the wrong name. In this new build it should save it with the correct name.

Please let me know if this fixes the issue permanently.

Thanks for reporting this, Ffio

functionreturnfunction commented 2 years ago

Looks like I got a subsequent build because you fixed another issue, but I can confirm that the 1.0.1010 build from your CI is able to set GuitarSpeakDNWhen in the INI correctly. Thanks for the quick turn around!

ffio1 commented 2 years ago

Perfect! Thanks for reporting this!