Lovrom8 / RSMods

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The Rocksmith Mods that nobody asked for

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If you want to manually create the settings file for the DLL, download the template from here:

And the general file structure should be as follows:

Section Entry Possible values Info
  SongListTitles_1 user defined string Songlist 1's name
  SongListTitles_6 user defined string Songlist 6's name
  ToggleLoftKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Toggle the background of the game when this key is pressed. Only usable when Toggle Switches > ToggleLoft is on.
  ShowSongTimerKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Shows the current time of the song being played. Only usable when Toggle Switches > ShowSongTimer is on.
  ForceReEnumerationKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Force the game to check for new songs added to your DLC folder. Only usable when Toggle Switches > ForceReEnumeration is on.
  RainbowStringsKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Make your strings scroll through colors. Only usable when Toggle Switches > RainbowStrings is on.
  RainbowNotesKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Make your notes scroll through colors. Only usable when Toggle Switches > RainbowNotes is on.
  RemoveLyricsKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Toggle the lyrics when in a song. Only usable when Toggle Switches > Lyrics is on.
  RRSpeedKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes Riff Repeater go past 100%. Press this key to go up by the number in Mod Settings > RRSpeedInterval, and hold shift while pressing this key to make it go down by the number in Mod Settings > RRSpeedInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > RRSpeedAboveOneHundred is on.
Audio Keybindings      
  MasterVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the Master Volume go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu. This is a value left in by Ubisoft, but never used in the Mixer menu.
  SongVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the Master Volume go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  Player1VolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the volume of Player 1 go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  Player2VolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the volume of Player 2 go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  MicrophoneVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes your Microphone Volume go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  VoiceOverVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the Voice-Over (Rocksmith Dad) Volume go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  SFXVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Makes the Sound Effects Volume go up by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Press Control at the same time as pressing this key to make the volume go down by the number in Mod Settings > VolumeControlInterval. Only usable when Toggle Switches > VolumeControl is on. These values are not reflected in the Mixer menu.
  ChangedSelectedVolumeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Shows you the selected volume's current value.
  ToggleExtendedRangeKey Function keys (F1, F10) / Media Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, NextTrack, PreviousTrack) in Virtual Key format. Toggles extended range mode.
Toggle Switches    
  ToggleLoft on/off Turns off the background of the game. This will make the background black.
  VolumeControl on/off Allows you to change volumes by pressing a keybinding.
  ShowSongTimer on/off Shows the time of the song you are playing.
  ForceReEnumeration automatic/manual Forces the game to look for new songs added to your DLC folder.
  RainbowStrings on/off Makes your strings cycle through a color wheel.
  RainbowNotes on/off Makes your notes cycle through a color wheel.
  ExtendedRange on/off Change your string colors based on the tuning of the song. This is helpful for people who play low-tuned songs with a 7-string guitar or 5-string bass.
  ExtendedRangeDropTuning on/off An extension of ExtendedRange that will make drop tunings also trigger the color change.
  CustomStringColors 0/1/2 0 = default colors, 1 = ZZ's color set, 2 = Color specified in the String Colors section
  Headstock on/off Removes the headstock to give the "headless guitar" look.
  Skyline on/off Removes the purple and orange Dynamic Difficulty bars from the top of the screen for a cleaner-looking UI.
  GreenScreenWall on/off Removes the wall texture of the loft if you want to have the "ToggleLoft" mode look but still want the amps / background elements to show up.
  ForceProfileLoad on/off Spam enter when the game starts so you can go grab some coffee and come back in the main menu.
  Fretless on/off Removes the fret wire from the guitar / bass model.
  Inlays on/off Removes the inlays from the guitar / bass. ONLY WORKS WITH THE STANDARD DOT INLAY
  ToggleLoftWhen startup/song/manual When do you want "ToggleLoft" to take effect?
  LaneMarkers on/off Removes the excessive lines going down the noteway for the lanes you aren't currently using.
  ToggleSkylineWhen startup/song When do you want the "Skyline" to be removed?
  Lyrics on/off Removes the lyrics from the game for a cleaner UI.
  RemoveLyricsWhen startup/manual When do you want the "Lyrics" to be removed?
  GuitarSpeak on/off Allows notes being played to trigger a keypress, so you can put the keyboard away and only use your guitar / bass to control the UI. The notes that trigger keypresses are defined in the "Guitar Speak" section.
  RemoveHeadstockWhen startup/song When do you want the "Headstock" to be removed?
  ScreenShotScores on/off Takes a steam screenshot when you finish a song. Requires Steam's screenshot button to be set to F12.
  RRSpeedAboveOneHundred on/off Remove the 100% speed limit from Riff Repeater to play the songs faster than intended.
  AutoTuneForSong on/off If you have one of a few pedals we can send the pedal a signal to enable drop tuning to reduce the amount of time between playing songs. We use MIDI to send the signal. The pedals that are supported can be seen in the Q/A at the bottom of this page.
  ChordsMode on/off Extension of "AutoTuneForSong" where some pedals have two seperate modes they can be played in. This allows us to send the correct signals according to the setting you have on the pedal.
  ShowCurrentNoteOnScreen on/off Reads the current note being played and displays it on screen. This only works for single notes so chords will NOT work properly.
  OnScreenFont _fontname Name of the font you want us to use when we need to show you text on screen. Default is Arial if we can't find the font you specify.
  ProfileToLoad _profilename An extension of "ForceProfileLoad" where we will look for the profile you specify in the list of all profiles. This is helpful if you have multiple profiles, or multiple users who play on the same computer.
  ShowSongTimerWhen automatic/manual When do you want the "SongTimer" to be shown?
  SecondaryMonitor on/off Launch Rocksmith and move it to another monitor automatically.
String Colors   hex defined color (eg. FF0000)  
  string0_N   Colors for strings to be used in non-ER songs
  string0_CB   Colors for strings to be used in ER songs
  note0_N   Colors for notes to be used in non-ER songs
  note0_CB   Colors for notes to be used in ER songs
Mod Settings      
  ExtendedRangeModeAt numerical value Offset to E Standard (-1 = Eb, -5 = B)
  CheckForNewSongsInterval interval in milliseconds Time between each Enumeration check
  RRSpeedInterval numerical value % of speed to go up / down when pressing your RRSpeedKey
  TuningPedal numerical value The number of the pedal you have. 0 = off, 1 = Whammy DT, 2 = Bass Whammy, 3 = Whammy
  TuningOffset numerical value Offset for "ExtendedRangeModeAt" that shows how far your guitar is TUNED from E. (-1 = Eb, -5 = B)
  VolumeControlInterval numerical value % of volume to go up / down when you press an audio keybinding.
  SecondaryMonitorXPosition numerical value X position of the top-left corner of the Secondary Monitor (Virtual Screen)
  SecondaryMonitorYPosition numerical value Y position of the top-left corner of the Secondary Monitor (Virtual Screen)
  SeparateNoteColors numerical value 0 = Use same color as strings, 1 = Normal RS Colors, 2 = Custom Note Colors
Guitar Speak      
  GuitarSpeakDeleteWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Delete to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakSpaceWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Space to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakEnterWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Enter / Return to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakTabWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Tab to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakPGUPWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Page Up to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakPGDNWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Page Down to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakUPWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Up Arrow to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeanDNWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Down Arrow to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakESCWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Escape to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakCloseWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Guitar Speak to stop.
  GuitarSpeakOBracketWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Open Bracket [ to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakCBracketWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Close Bracket ] to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakTildeaWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Tilda / Tilde to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakForSlashWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Forward Slash to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakAltWhen numerical value Midi note that will trigger Alt to be pressed.
  GuitarSpeakWhileTuning on/off Is GuitarSpeak enabled while tuning (ONLY FOR ADVANCED USERS)
Highway Colors      
  CustomHighwayColors on/off Should we use a custom note highway?
  CustomHighwayNumbered hex defined color (eg. FF0000)  
  CustomHighwayUnNumbered hex defined color (eg. FF0000)  
  CustomHighwayGutter hex defined color (eg. FF0000)  
  CustomFretNubmers hex defined color (eg. FF0000)  
GUI Settings      
  CustomTheme on/off Custom Colors for GUI
  ThemeBackgroundColor hex defined color (eg. FF0000) Background Color
  ThemeTextColor hex defined color (eg. FF0000) Text Color
  ThemeButtonColor hex defined color (eg. FF0000) Button Color
  BackupProfile on/off Create backups of your Rocksmith profile / save just in-case it gets corrupted.
  NumberOfBackups numerical value How many backups should we store?