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#Enhancement Enable Extended Range per instrument with specific scientific pitch notation #111

Open eristocrates opened 2 years ago

eristocrates commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, love the work y'all have done! I've got a very specific use case but I think the feature I'm requesting could still prove useful for others too. I play 7 string bass(1 lower string, 2 higher strings), and I'm interested in making charts that utilize the extended range support present for guitars. I've actually had some success using the guitar path and pitching down the strings an octave and setting the chart as an alt.

However, because my lowest string is E1, which is under what I'm assuming is the guitar extended range threshold of B1, the extended range coloring is activating when I don't want it to. Currently, I'm just forced to chart always having the low b string present or turning the extended range coloring off/on every time I change tuning. Ideally, I would like to be able to set the specific note I would like extended range to activate, and if the user could set the pitch separately for guitar and bass that would preserve the current functionality most people encounter too.

ffio1 commented 2 years ago


When you say you drop the tuning an octave, what tuning are you referring to? Is it the actual tuning for the song, or are you dropping the CentOffset to -1200 (A220) with the "Bass Fix"?

You might be able to accomplish your ER by using the CentOffset, instead of making the tuning {-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12} for example.

eristocrates commented 2 years ago

I'm was referring to the tuning of the chart specifically, making the tuning {-12,-12,-12,-12,-12,-12} like you said. image
I wasn't familiar with CentOffset or "Bass Fix" as you referred to it, but if this is an extant work around I'll gladly try it. I already see the setting in the toolkit, thank you so much for the guidance

ffio1 commented 2 years ago

I don't know for sure that it will work, I think we might actually adjust for it inside of the functions we use to get the lowest tuning, but I could be remembering wrong.

eristocrates commented 2 years ago

That's ok, I'm also a bit busy atm, so I won't be able to check it out until later today too. Thanks for the quick response