Lovrom8 / RSMods

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I cannot hear my instrument #132

Closed Mazdadave closed 1 year ago

Mazdadave commented 1 year ago

Dear community,

I have this issue since 2022, Sept 13. History: I played the day before with no issue on Sept. 12 but on Sept 13 the game refused to start. I thought there must be some prblems with RS Mod. Started it and it said that it does not provide pirated game (it isn't). Googled on it and figured out that there was an update and I have to go back to a previous game version in Beta. Here started my issue. After I cleaned my steam folder for Rocksmith 2014 I installed the previous viersion vith the version of the RS Mods and experienced this issue that although I can hear the ingame sounds on my headphone which is plugged in the M-Audio M-Track 2x2 I cannot hear my guitar. The guitar should have worked also because I can hear it in Guitar Rig 5.

I had other thing to deal with so I did not worked on the solution. I came back to it today and found that the game has been patched, no Beta is needed anymore and there is a new version of the RS-Mod as well ( So I removed my Beta from the steam library and reinstalled the new version ( v165.396631). Problem remained, I can hear the ingame sounds through M-Track but not my instrument.

Here is my settings: RS_ASIO.ini: [Config] EnableWasapiOutputs=0 EnableWasapiInputs=0 EnableAsio=1

[Asio] ; available buffer size modes: ; driver - respect buffer size setting set in the driver ; host - use a buffer size as close as possible as that requested by the host application ; custom - use the buffer size specified in CustomBufferSize field BufferSizeMode=custom CustomBufferSize=96

[Asio.Output] Driver=ASIO4ALL v2 BaseChannel=0 AltBaseChannel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100

[Asio.Input.0] Driver=ASIO4ALL v2 Channel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100

[Asio.Input.1] ;Driver= Channel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100

[Asio.Input.Mic] Driver= Channel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100


[Audio] EnableMicrophone=0 ExclusiveMode=1 LatencyBuffer=4 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 MonoToStereoChannel=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=1 [Renderer.Win32] ShowGamepadUI=0 ScreenWidth=1920 ScreenHeight=1100 Fullscreen=0 VisualQuality=2 RenderingWidth=0 RenderingHeight=0 EnablePostEffects=1 EnableShadows=1 EnableHighResScope=1 EnableDepthOfField=1 EnablePerPixelLighting=1 MsaaSamples=4 DisableBrowser=0 [Net] UseProxy=1 [Global] Version=1

What am I missing or doing wrong?

Mazdadave commented 1 year ago


Complete folder clean-up. Reinstall of Rocksmith, RS-Mod and ASIO latest version made it work.