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DLL - FR - Change the tune only for the note detection #143

Open Manu-SA opened 1 year ago

Manu-SA commented 1 year ago

Hello, I play Rocksmith with Archetype Petrucci in ableton, my guitar is plug in the computer with 2 different signal ( one for the game, one for ableton/amp sim) in archetype petrucci there is a way to detune your guitar like a digitech drop pedal.

The problem is that i change the tuning of the signal that doesn't go the the game, i have D standard in Ableton and in my ear, but E Standard is detect by the game(beacause it's the real tuning of my guitar).

So my question is, there a way to add the posibility to change manually the tune of the note detection, to " transform " my E standard in D standard. I don't care to change the sound of the guitar in game ( i think you already done that if it was easy ) just the note detection.

EDIT : I found a way to make that but it create a new problem. I changed the tuning of the song in the CF song manager so now the note detection is working, but the problem is 1st that i have to make that for each songs ( pretty boring ) and i won't be able to now what's the real tuning of the song if i changed it.

So my new recommendation is to add a way to change the tuning of the song in the tuner ( for example )

I think it's really specific for my usage but who knows....

A another thing: i see that you create a mods that disable controller, but it's not working, why ? I would like to have it because i use my gamepad as a MIDI controller in ableton, and some buttons are condamned because it make pause on the game. To avoid that i turn on my gamepad only after the start of the game.

Sorry for my bad english, i hope i was clear