Lovrom8 / RSMods

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Error when trying to open RsMods.exe #159

Closed monteroc17 closed 1 year ago

monteroc17 commented 1 year ago

Got this error both when installing the mods and every time I try to open them


I remember seeing someone had a similar but different issue but the value with the error was in the RS_ASIO ini file, but I can't find a property named 'Value' in that file or the Rocksmith.ini file

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

Can you post your rocksmith.ini file. This error is caused because your file likely has an invalid value.

monteroc17 commented 1 year ago

here it is:

[Audio] EnableMicrophone=1 ExclusiveMode=0 LatencyBuffer=0 ForceDefaultPlaybackDevice= ForceWDM=0 ForceDirectXSink=0 DumpAudioLog=0 MaxOutputBufferSize=0 RealToneCableOnly=0 MonoToStereoChannel=0 Win32UltraLowLatencyMode=1 [Renderer.Win32] ShowGamepadUI=0 ScreenWidth=2560 ScreenHeight=1440 Fullscreen=1 VisualQuality=3 RenderingWidth=0 RenderingHeight=0 EnablePostEffects=0 EnableShadows=1 EnableHighResScope=0 EnableDepthOfField=0 EnablePerPixelLighting=1 MsaaSamples=4 DisableBrowser=1 [Net] UseProxy=1 [Global] Version=1

And the RS_ASIO.ini just in case: [Config] EnableWasapiOutputs=1 EnableWasapiInputs=0 EnableAsio=1

[Asio] BufferSizeMode=custom CustomBufferSize=128

[Asio.Output] Driver= BaseChannel=0 AltBaseChannel= EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100 EnableRefCountHack=

[Asio.Input.0] Driver=UMC ASIO Driver Channel=0 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100 EnableRefCountHack=

[Asio.Input.1] Driver=UMC ASIO Driver Channel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100 EnableRefCountHack=

[Asio.Input.Mic] Driver= Channel=1 EnableSoftwareEndpointVolumeControl=1 EnableSoftwareMasterVolumeControl=1 SoftwareMasterVolumePercent=100 EnableRefCountHack=

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

LatencyBuffer in your Rocksmith.ini file cannot be set to 0. It needs to be a number from 1-16.

monteroc17 commented 1 year ago

that was the issue! thx