Lovrom8 / RSMods

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Game crashes on launch #165

Closed cellineth closed 1 year ago

cellineth commented 1 year ago

I installed RSMods around a year ago and had no issues. Recently, I updated the mods and now Rocksmith crashes when I launch it. It doesn't get past the initial white screen before crashing. I don't understand why this is happening. Does anyone know what's going on? I've attached the crash log, hopefully that helps.


ffio1 commented 1 year ago

Are you on the "previous_version" beta branch on steam? If so, you can't use that version with the newest version of the mods.

If you are on that version of the game, you need to get off of it and update all your mods.

cellineth commented 1 year ago

I was. The game launches now, but my CDLC doesn't work now

cellineth commented 1 year ago

So I rolled it back to version and that works with the beta and allows for CDLC in case anyone else has this issue!