Lovrom8 / RSMods

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Outrageously loud tones #172

Open ghlegend195 opened 1 year ago

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

Thought I was having an issue with my headphones, but trying other headphones and it definitely seems like the tone gain is broken. This only happens when I have RSMods running (if I uninstall RSMods, tones are fine). I should mention I am using 44.1kHz resampling so I can use a specific pair of headphones.

I can only point to RSMods having issues with tone, for when I booted the game and left my guitar volume all the way down, the tone gain tried to compensate and cranked it way higher than it reasonably should go. Don't know if this a bug or if I'm using a feature incorrectly, but I wanted to post it here.

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

You likely won't get support when using the alternate sample rate mod. It's very hacky (on purpose) and it's mainly so people can at least try the game. It's not meant as a permanent solution.

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

It happens even with standard headphones plugged in and the mod turned off. I guess mentioning the sampling problem was moot point.

Is there a way to adjust the gain of all tones using RSMods, or is there another tool the community uses?

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

RSMods does not have that functionality, and I don't think there's any other mods that do that.

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

Is it just the default tone, or is it every tone (including in songs)? You can change the default tone if it's just that, but if it's all tones, it sounds like a different issue.

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

Is it just the default tone, or is it every tone (including in songs)? You can change the default tone if it's just that, but if it's all tones, it sounds like a different issue.

It's just the main tone, but the crazy gain follows whatever tone it transitions to in song. If I use a tone on my stick, it sounds fine.

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

I'm going to change the default tone really quick, see if that's the issue.

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

OK, uh, weird stuff. If I switch to Rhythm or Bass, tones sound just dandy, but on Lead, it becomes so loud it sounds like the cone on the amp is about to fall out.

I just noticed there's a Turn it up to 11 button that's pretty new, might've bumped that accidentally. How do you turn that off?

ffio1 commented 1 year ago

In the set and forget mods tab, there should be a button in the bottom right that says something like "my game doesn't work anymore", you'll have to click that.

ghlegend195 commented 1 year ago

OK, so adjusting back to 48kHz after doing that changed it to a normal sound. I guess I'll have to figure out how to change my setup so I'm not getting my ear drums shattered. Sucks shit that there's no good way to program this game to work with other sampling rates without causing a nightmare bug to pop up. Sorry for bothering with this.