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Just downloaded RSMods #174

Closed jgonzol closed 8 months ago

jgonzol commented 9 months ago

Hello, I recently downloaded RSMods and now Rocksmith crashes upon startup.

I viewed the Rocksmith crash file and the exception code is OxC0000005 and it says, "the thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access." I'm attaching a screenshot of the mini-dump file.

RSMods_debug.txt Rocksmith crash file.docx

Any help is greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need any additional information from me.

L0FKA commented 9 months ago

How about sharing your actual Rocksmith2014_*.mdmp file with us? Also what's your sound output device?(old realtek can cause issues) Does RS work without mods? Also if it doesn't work without mods can you look for additional devices plugged in (elgato being famous)? Make sure that no av or productivity tracking, overlay software is active while you play.

JuarezC commented 9 months ago

I have the same issue I have attempted to just launch it. Is this the dump file you are requesting? I was unable to attach the file as is so here it is as a zip. If I converted to .txt it would jumble up the contents. rocksmith2014_369567_crash_2023_10_10T20_19_56C0.zip

JuarezC commented 9 months ago

Okay so I was still on the JustInCaseWeNeedIt Beta, I updated to latest Rocksmith by changing to non on the beta and was able to launch Rocksmith.

jgonzol commented 9 months ago


My sound output device is some headphones plugged in via headphone jack. I went to my device manager and I saw a Realtek driver, but it seems that the driver is updated.

I don't have any additional devices plugged in. RS did work for me the past two years and then stopped working when I downloaded RSMods. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling RS again. I don't believe I have any productivity tracking or overlay software installed on my computer.

I did have the JustInCaseWeNeedIt Beta checked. However, when I disable that in Steam, RS doesn't start up at all (doesn't even create a crash log). Whereas if I have the beta enabled, I get a white screen (RS starting to open) and then crashes. Not sure if that difference is helpful.


L0FKA commented 9 months ago

It's obvious to me that you're on beta branch and won't get updates for any mods... I hope you'll figure out why current upstream version doesn't work on clean install. But meanwhile look for older versions of mods like this release v1.2.6.5

that-one-dark-smiley commented 9 months ago

I have the same issue with Rocksmith starting up and immediately crashing, until I read here to download the older version of the mod. Now I did, and when I try to open the file, it says it wouldn't support pirated versions of Rocksmith 2014, even though my version is legitimately bought. Can someone help?

ffio1 commented 9 months ago

Those older versions don't know the new version of the game exists, hence why it thinks it's not a legit copy. Kind of works as a "don't do this measure" as well as your game will crash if you use the old mods with the new version of the game.

that-one-dark-smiley commented 9 months ago

How can I solve the issue of the game crashing when it starts though?

that-one-dark-smiley commented 8 months ago

yea, I may be stupid. I didn't download the newest mod available. Once I downloaded the newest version of the mod, it started working.