LowLevelMahn / alpha_waves_loader

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This is the reverse engineered, english-language text menu game loader ALPHA_E.COM of the 1990 DOS game Alpha Waves (aka Continuum)

What is a loader?

Due to super tiny floppy and memory sizes of that time most games used "loaders" that mostly combine graphics/sound/etc. code into in-memory build executables, ALPHA_E.COM is the english version of such a "loader" for AlphaWaves

What else?

I've also developed a 32/64Bit tool for extracting and uncompressing the game executables and a 16Bit DOS starter program to skip the original loader


Frederick Raynal did the DOS port im using here, the inital Ataris ST-Version of the game was created by Christophe de Dinechin

Loader menu Game intro
File MD5 Info Analysed
ALPHA_D.COM 41c74f363e70864fb15579ba171731bf german version ignored
ALPHA_E.COM 7e165fc5fd1aec1482bc915ab4053d36 english version 100%
ALPHA_F.COM 682d26aec9512a4002d9aef271df0b23 french version ignored
CONFIG.TAT 8b3de28f7feebc33e70b36c64061ab1f gfx/game code offsets 100% see
GRAPHS.CC1 91d542578b974910ad30db6297bc8c0a graphics data 5%
HIGHSCOR.QB 6fd61f2a03225192b7ac5a1dce5c96ea highscores 100% see
MUSIC_A.CC1 ab4eb457f274d7b28b6985662a1dc3b6 adlib music 0%
MUSIC_B.CC1 cd968b9d80712830e1c2fa1cba170900 buzer pc music 0%
MUSIC_T.CC1 8827fbc74d9053ff6363387a99be2f16 tandy music 0%
PROGS.CC1 d529022d120dcd7bafedde05acd467c7 gfx/game code 100% see
TATOU.BAT 4a748577227640cbfd26874fe08c6d7c simple starter ignored
TESTFKEY.COM 964a23b53713cfc666fbc081a72bf77b ? ignored
TEXTES.CC1 54393dca30917561ac33e4093096cc75 multilang texts 1%

my reduced loader

My loader


File Info
ae.asm reversed and reassemble-able source code of ALPHA_E.COM
build.bat builds ae.asm with UASM64/WLink and checks if resulting ae_org.com is binary identical to ALPHA_E.COM
tools_howto.txt how to get the needed build tools (UASM, WLink) - very easy to install
exeload.asm small loader runs the extracted game exe and sound com TSR + set needed interrupts
build_exeload.bat batch builder for the small loader
read_some_file_sub_4/original_port.cpp C++ port of file loading routines based on a simple x86 emulator
read_some_file_sub_4/cleanup_port.cpp cleanup of the original port (mostly pure C/C++)
tools/extractor/extractor.cpp standalone extractor for the game executables
tools/starter/starter.cpp standalone 16Bit DOS starter for the extracted game executables
tools/create_static_exes/create_static_exes.cpp patches the ega_vga.exe to a vga.exe that starts without starter

tools_dir variable in build.bat needs to be set to suits your environment

Loading process

PROGS.CC1 contains the compressed executeable for:

config.tat maps the gfx selection in the loader to the gfx executables in prog.cc1

Mode Gfx
0 CGA/Hercules
2 Tandy
3 CGA/Hercules

all sound TSRs are loaded and excecuted in the order

  1. adlib
  2. tandy
  3. pc-buz

(the first TSR that successfully hooks Interrupt 0xF0 keeps the others from installing)

the loader loads the executable that fits the gfx mode selection base on config.tat and progs.cc1 sets some interrupts and starts the game

Extractor & Starter

under tools/uncompress_cc is a tool that can uncompress the CC1 files

the 16bit dos starter.exe creates the needed environment for the executables and starts the game

starter.exe starter [cga|ega|tandy|herc|vga] [adlib|tandy|pc|none]

create_static_exes.exe path-to-extracted-exes

using IDA

  1. add more information to the IDB
  2. produce ASM file in IDA (called ALPHA_E.asm)
  3. merge changes of ALPHA_E.asm into ae.asm
  4. test if resulting ae_org.com is equal to ALPHA_E.COM using build.bat


    • reverse/reassemble to binary equal com program
    • analysed the config.tat and HIGHSCOR.QB fully
    • documented the video-card detection, menu and config.tat reading code
    • created a reduced/cleanup version that gets rid of the video card detection and menu (parts NOPed out, unused data/code removed) which directly starts the game
    • binary indentical output test with MASM, UASM, WASM
    • extracted the pure VGA game exe (Turbo C 2.x) from the loading process
    • extracted the adlib TSR com program from the loading process (pre-loaded for adlib sound)
    • minimal loader for the adlib com TSR + game exe + setting of interrupts to configure the game (only GRAPHS.CC1, HIGHSCOR.QB, MUSIC_A.CC1, TEXTES.CC1 needed)
    • added a ultra-simple x86 "emulator" (based on inline-asm) that allows me to port loader code nearly 1:1 to C++, result: the game executables are load and uncompress-able in 32bit :)
    • executable-extractor and starter
    • create static vga.exe from extracted ega_vga.exe that does not need the starter to run
    • disabled copy protection - just press enter on code question when using ega.exe or vga.exe
    • reversed the CC1(CC0) compression format: https://moddingwiki.shikadi.net/wiki/CC1_Format and wrote a generic uncompress tool


    • reverse the sound driver TSRs
    • document the file format of TEXTES.CC1, MUSIC_(A|B|T).CC1 and GRAPHS.CC1
    • patch port (03D0h as mirror of 03D4h) access to be more compatible with dosbox: https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging/issues/1448
    • document the Copy-Protection code stuff in the game (based on self modifying code)
    • maybe reverse AlphaWaves itself - its a Turbo C 2.x exe (Small memory model, 1 code segment, 1 data segment, the code-modifying protection makes it a litte hard to reverse)
    • remove copy protection code, replace self-modified code parts with static result - better for static analysis :)


    • VGA is not real VGA Mode but EGA 0dh (320x200x16) mode - its the same as game started with EGA but VGA color table change ability is used to lighten the colors (thanks @Mysterioso)
