Luashine / wc3-file-formats

Project to document the proprietary file formats used by Warcraft 3
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Warcraft 3 File Format Documentation Project

This is a WIP dump of my folders for now.

PLEASE, I welcome you to help in any way, shape or form. PR and patches, volunteer work, welcome.

For non-coding tasks, see "Notify active tool authors".

Feel free to contact via issues or to start on your own, anywhere.

See the READMEs in subfolders.

Major goals:

  1. Describe all formats and their versions <-- we are here
    • Did we miss any formats the game uses?
    • Need to be done but not yet planned:
      1. Replay format (many parsers exist, but need a high-quality documentation)
      2. Save game format
      3. All the custom campaign stuff
      4. All the game resource formats like MDX etc.
  2. Push the changes to the "main repository":
  3. Notify active tool authors
  4. Write Kaitai Struct Format Definitions ".ksy" for automated read-only parsing (writing support is in early alpha).
  5. Write simple to use CLI tools, probably with Format<->JSON conversion


  1. Collect all available online sources
  2. Document format locally in .ods files (consider succumbing to the "totally-dont-be-evil" Google for online docs)
  3. Publishing to Github (Markdown):
    1. Save individual tables as .csv
    2. Convert to Github-flavored Markdown tables
    3. Write the .md pages and insert tables
  4. Submit PR to the main repository (at the moment: ChiefOfGxBxL/WC3MapSpecification)

NOTE: For my workflow, the ".ods" files will remain the source of truth until the final merge. The .xlsx files you will find in folders are immediately obsolete if there's an .ods file. These older spreadsheets were a result of wholesome cooperation between me and Excalimbur.

Authors and Credits