Lucas-guida / matSim

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This project is to create a simulation of a satelite simulator with a robotic arm.

Files Structure


This is an abstract class for general OOP design. This class extends the handel class.


This is the main code that runs the program. To setup a robot we use the below code which sets up the x y and z positions in an 1D array, sets the robots orentation and the color. We then create an instance of the robot:

pos1 = [0.25,0.25,0];
or1 = 0;
color1 = 'Cyan';

Robot1 = Robot.instance(pos1, color1, or1)

To rotate the robot we call the rotate function where you pass the robot instance with an angle to rotate:

Robot1 = rotate(Robot1, 45);

To move the robot you call the translate function. This takes a robot instance as well as an array with the desired distance to travel:[Forward, Backward, Right, Left] (This is to corrispond with the thrusters):

Robot1 = translate(Robot1, [1 0 1 0]);


Stores the graphical data of the 3D robot object.


Robot class that stores contains all the methods to instanciate and run the robot.

Sample of Simulation