LuccaSA / RestDrivenDomain

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Rest Driven Domain

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Rdd is a structural framework, for easy and fast REST implementation, with an integrated query language, projected on EF Core queries. It's main goal is to provide a base implementation letting benefit native paging, querying and CRUD operations.

Layer segregation & Inheritance chain

Rdd provides 4 distinct layers to structurally enforce Domain isolation.

Get Started

Bootstraping Rdd:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // register Rdd internal dependencies (method come from RddServiceCollectionExtensions)
    services.AddRdd<yourDbContext>(); //yourDbContext inheritate from EF Core DbContext


Rdd depends on standard Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, it's up to you to use any other DI framework (SimpleInjector/Autofac etc).

Create your first Entity:

Create the entity you want to query:

public class MyFirstEntity : EntityBase<int> //int is your PK type (Id) { }

Add this entity in your DbContext

public DbSet<MyFirstEntity> MyFirstEntities { get; set; }

Create your first Controller:

The most simple controller is the ReadOnlyWebController:

public class MyFirstController : ReadOnlyWebController<MyFirstEntity, int>
    protected MyFirstController(IReadOnlyAppController<MyFirstEntity, int> appController, IQueryParser<MyFirstEntity> queryParser) : base(appController, queryParser)
    { }

You don't need to register this controller. This is enough to create a functionning api route.

Register all others layers:

You need to register any specific implementation in any layer:

         .AddReadOnlyRepository<Repository<MyFirstEntity>, MyFirstEntity>()
         .AddReadOnlyRestCollection<ReadOnlyRestCollection<MyFirstEntity, int>, MyFirstEntity, int>()
         .AddReadOnlyAppController<ReadOnlyAppController<MyFirstEntity, int>, MyFirstEntity, int>();

You can override any layer to personalize their behavior.

Remove Rights

By default, api are closed, meaning you'll need to setup rights yourself. If you don't want to setup rights and have your apis open:

        var rddBuilder = services.AddRdd<yourDbContext>();