LucianoCaccia / web-urban2023

Web Urban State 2023
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Web Urban State 2023

Project Documentation

Check the mockup here syntax helper

URLS Strategy

Administración del backend

Crear y publicar mapas.

Developer Notes & tools

Use this section to remenber ideas.. syntax tool


How to create custom content type

Custom content type programatically

Extending WordPress With CCT

Theme options

Bootscore is first taked option

How to use

This Theme comes with a built in gulp/webpack task automation. Sass files will be compiled if changed, vendor prefixes will be added automatically and the CSS will be minified. JS source files will be bundled and minified.

Prerequisites: Node.js (NPM) needs to be installed on your system

Open the Project directory / in Terminal and install the required Node.js dependencies: gulp, webpack, Sass-Compiler, Autoprefixer, etc.

$ npm install

Run the watch script on /wp/wp-content/themes/ue-theme

$ npm run watch

Modify /assets/main.scss and /assets/main.js

Documentation Doc

Bootstrap 5 - Doc

Bootstrap Library Icons

Bootstrap 4 Carousel Card Slider

Animations doc Animate IT

Initial credentials

DB: root / password / wordpress

Custom fields

Contenido inicial

How install in Dreamhost shared server


Follow the instructions here:

Then this guide:

Go to the theme home url and run:

$ npm install

Run the watch script on /wp/wp-content/themes/ue-theme to build the css and js files.

$ npm run watch

Hosting and pull code to Live

Use ssh to ssh connect. The Live version of the website root path is:

[baker]$ /home/dh_hhknpb/

Before pull fules check using git status that the branch is up to date with origin/main.

Please don't check out or commit any change and conserve the wp-config.php configuration.