LuckyMallari / hpex

HPEx - OpenHAB (H)ab(P)anel (Ex)tenstion
MIT License
4 stars 6 forks source link
habpanel openhab widgets

HabPanel Extension

Extending the functionality of HabPanel

Join discussion at OpenHAB Community

Current Feature

  1. Toggable Drawer item
  2. Screen Saver


  1. Import this Widget from Widget Gallery of HabPanel
  2. Go to HPEx in gitHub and download a. Copy habpanelex folder to your OpenHAB's conf/html folder
  3. Go To Main Dashboard
  4. Add New Dashboard
  5. Name it HabPanelEx (A MUST)
  6. Go to that Panel (HabPanelEx)
  7. Add a widget and pick HabPanelEx
  8. Go back to main dashboard and edit
  9. Click Gear Icon (settings) image|412x207
  10. Configure as shown on photo image|690x461
  11. Go to the HabPanelEx panel (click it from drawer)
  12. Add Widget, select HabPanelEx then Save. Run
  13. Click on HabPanelEx from Drawer and Configure. image|324x500



  1. Pin/Swipe Lock Panel
  2. SendCommand to an Item when Idle
  3. Different config per machine