Assignments for the course Deep Learning & Artificial Neural Networks, MSc of Bioinformatics, KU Leuven, 2023
Part 1 - Supervised learning & generalisation
- Comparing different training algorithms for both clean and noisy data
- Bayesian regularisation for overparametrised networks
- Approximating a 2D surface using a network architecture and tuning procedure by choice
Part 2 - Recurrent neural networks
- Assessing Hopfield networks with 2 and 3 neurons
- Assessing a Hopfield network for digit classification
- Designing and tuning MLP and LSTM networks for time-series prediction
Part 3 - Deep feature learning
- Effect of the number of dimensions for the reconstruction of an image after a PCA compression
- Tuning a stacked autoencoder network
- Dimension reasoning in AlexNet
- Trying some CNN architecture for hand-written digit classification
Part 4 - Generative models
- Comparison of restricted and deep Boltzmann machines for digit image generation
- Examining the behaviour of a DCGAN and WGANs for a class of the CIFAR dataset
- Optimal transport for colour swapping in images