Lucydct22 / audity_react_app

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Frontend Project Music | Audity

This is the frontend project for a music streaming app similar to Spotify. The user can listen to music for free, but also has the option to subscribe to premium features. Also user can listen to music without logging in, but to create playlists and like songs, they must log in.

The project is deployed on:

Technologies Used

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine,

  2. Install dependencies by running npm install,

  3. In the root directory, create a .env file with the following contents:

    REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN=<your Auth0 domain>
    REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID=<your Auth0 client ID>
  4. Start the JSON server by running npm run server (in out case NPM RUN JSON SERVER --> see package.json)

  5. Start the React app by running npm start (in out case NPM RUN DEV --> see package.json)

  6. Navigate to http://localhost:5100 in your web browser to view the app.


Authors ✨

Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

David T. Pizarro Frick
David T. Pizarro Frick

Joe Alt
Joe Alt

Iuliia Shikhanova
Iuliia Shikhanova

lucia del cacho
lucia del cacho

Javier Pascual Tunez
Javier Pascual Tunez


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

Project structure

    │   ├───music
    │   └───utils
    │   ├───img
    │   │   ├───albums
    │   │   ├───gif
    │   │   ├───gradients
    │   │   ├───png
    │   │   └───webp
    │   └───locale
    │   ├───admin
    │   │   ├───album.context
    │   │   ├───artist.context
    │   │   ├───genre.context
    │   │   ├───playlist.context
    │   │   ├───track.context
    │   │   └───user.context
    │   ├───currentTrack
    │   ├───currentTracklist
    │   ├───language
    │   ├───myLibrary
    │   ├───theme
    │   └───user
    │   ├───admin
    │   │   ├───albumAdmin
    │   │   ├───artistAdmin
    │   │   ├───genreAdmin
    │   │   ├───playlistAdmin
    │   │   ├───trackAdmin
    │   │   └───userAdmin
    │   ├───currentTrack
    │   ├───currentTracklist
    │   ├───myLibrary
    │   └───user
    │   └───tracks
        │   ├───admin
        │   │   ├───albumsAdminComponent
        │   │   ├───artistsAdminComponent
        │   │   ├───forms
        │   │   │   ├───albumForm
        │   │   │   ├───artistForm
        │   │   │   ├───genreForm
        │   │   │   ├───playlistForm
        │   │   │   └───trackForm
        │   │   ├───genresAdminComponent
        │   │   ├───homeAdminComponent
        │   │   ├───playlistsAdminComponent
        │   │   ├───tracksAdminComponent
        │   │   └───usersAdminComponent
        │   ├───basic
        │   │   ├───albumBComponent
        │   │   ├───albumsBComponent
        │   │   ├───artistBComponent
        │   │   ├───artistsBComponent
        │   │   ├───desktop
        │   │   │   ├───playerBComponentDesktop
        │   │   │   │   └───progressBar
        │   │   │   ├───sidebarBComponentDesktop
        │   │   │   ├───topBarBComponentDesktop
        │   │   │   └───trackListComponentDesktop
        │   │   ├───errorBComponent
        │   │   ├───genreBComponent
        │   │   ├───genresBComponent
        │   │   ├───libraryBComponent
        │   │   │   ├───libraryBComponentFavTracks
        │   │   │   ├───LibraryBComponentHighlights
        │   │   │   ├───LibraryBComponentUpload
        │   │   │   │   └───UserSongUploaderModal
        │   │   │   └───libraryHeader
        │   │   ├───mobile
        │   │   │   ├───artistBComponentMobile
        │   │   │   ├───exploreBComponent
        │   │   │   ├───playerBComponentMobile
        │   │   │   ├───playerTrackDetailsComponentMobile
        │   │   │   ├───popupAddPlaylistBComponent
        │   │   │   ├───searchBComponentMobile
        │   │   │   ├───searchResultMobileBComponent
        │   │   │   ├───sidebarBComponentMobile
        │   │   │   ├───topBarBComponentMobile
        │   │   │   └───tracklistComponentMobile
        │   │   │       └───TrackSidebarMobile
        │   │   ├───musicPageComponent
        │   │   ├───playlistBComponent
        │   │   ├───playlistsBComponent
        │   │   ├───profileComponent
        │   │   ├───renders
        │   │   │   ├───genresRender
        │   │   │   ├───renderAlbum
        │   │   │   ├───renderArtist
        │   │   │   ├───renderPlaylist
        │   │   │   └───renderTrack
        │   │   ├───searchResultDesktopBComponent
        │   │   └───trackListBComponent
        │   └───SwiperCarousel
        │       ├───carouselLibraryPage
        │       │   └───renderLibraryItem
        │       ├───carouselMusicPage
        │       │   └───renderMusicItem
        │       └───carouselTracks
        │   ├───adminLayout
        │   ├───basicLayout
        │   └───libraryLayout
        │   ├───admin
        │   │   ├───albumsAdminPage
        │   │   ├───artistsAdminPage
        │   │   ├───genresAdminPage
        │   │   ├───homeAdminPage
        │   │   ├───playlistsAdminPage
        │   │   ├───tracksAdminPage
        │   │   └───usersAdminPage
        │   ├───apiTestPage
        │   ├───basic
        │   │   ├───albumPage
        │   │   ├───albumsPage
        │   │   ├───artistPage
        │   │   ├───artistsPage
        │   │   ├───explorePage
        │   │   ├───genrePage
        │   │   ├───genresPage
        │   │   ├───libraryPages
        │   │   │   ├───favoritePage
        │   │   │   ├───highlightPage
        │   │   │   └───uploadPage
        │   │   ├───musicPage
        │   │   ├───playlistPage
        │   │   ├───playlistsPage
        │   │   ├───profilePage
        │   │   └───searchPage
        │   └───errors
        │   ├───commingSoon
        │   ├───copyUrl
        │   ├───language
        │   ├───ModalAntdPlaylistCreate
        │   │   └───ModalAntdPlaylistCreateMobile
        │   ├───spinner
        │   ├───swiperSettings
        │   │   ├───swiperDesktop
        │   │   └───swiperMobile
        │   └───theme

Google analitics

Also this project has analitics implemented Google analitics


This project is licensed under the MIT License