Lugal-PCZ / shootpoints-web-frontend

HTML and JavaScript user interface to the ShootPoints-Web total station surveying program.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link
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ShootPoints-Web is a set of programs for total station surveying. Based on the SiteMap surveying package originally developed at the Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology (MASCA) at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, ShootPoints-Web streamlines and simplifies total station operation and data collection on archaeological excavations. Developed independently, it was heavily tested and refined at the Penn Museum projects at Ur and Lagash, Iraq.

ShootPoints-Web consists of two interrelated projects: shootpoints-web-api and shootpoints-web-frontend. Because shootpoints-web-frontend cannot be run independently of shootpoints-web-api, you are directed to the ShootPoints-Web project for installation and use instructions: