LuisValgoi / ui5-webcomponents-react-seed

Seed of UI5 Web Components for React
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react seed ui5-webcomponents

UI5 Web Components for React Seed Logo

Netlify Status CircleCI Status Coverage Status code style: prettier code style: prettier

ui5-webcomponents-react-seed decrease’s the bootstrap time spent on new projects, POCs or MVPs which uses React + UI5 WebComponents React by leveraging several out-of-the-box components, scripts & configurations.


⚠️ The repo was moved to the SAP UI5 WebComponents for React repository ⚠️

For more info, check this link here.


PS.: It is important to add the --template ui5-webcomponents-react-seed at the end to get our template.

Configuration Included

Engine & Samples Included

Hooks Included

Project Structure

Following one of the several recommendations for structuring files on a React based project, the seed use: Grouping by file type.

The only custom change we have incremented were the Custom Components and the folder for each project containing the tests artefacts.

Scripts Included

In the project directory, you can run:

Up & Running

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode @ http://localhost:3000.

⚠️ It requires an AppRouter or a BackEnd up & running @ <domain>:<port>/api.

yarn mock

Runs the app in the development mode @ http://localhost:3001 w/ json-server.


yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

yarn test:ci

Executes the test runner without the interactive watch mode.

yarn test:coverage

Executes the test runner and generates the report.


yarn lint

Checks all the files of the project according to the .eslintrc.js pre stablished configuration.

yarn lint:fix

Fixes all the files of the project according to the .eslintrc.js pre stablished configuration.

yarn prettier

Checks all the files of the project according to the .prettierrc pre stablished configuration.

yarn prettier:fix

Fixes all the files of the project according to the .prettierrc pre stablished configuration.


yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

Suggested Extensions

Auto Rename Tag

This will help you when building the JSX files by renaming the closing for you.


This will help you to use the defined coding style at the .editoronfig file during development.


This will help you to use the defined coding style at the .eslintrc file during development.

Jest & Jest Runner

This will help you run and debug your *.test.js file during file during test-development.


This will help you better see the folders and files icons according to its extensions/subject.


This will enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with its own rules, wrapping code when necessary.

Dependencies Included


Autocomplete/Intelissense your testing methods from the JEST lib.


Used to manipulate async request, data fetching, cache and more (no redux / saga anymore).

Tutorial Link, Random Post and Creator Official Video.


Used to manpilate DOM attributes through JSX such as <head>.


Used to translate strings and text in the application following the Internationalization pattern.


Used to identify the browsers culture and change the applications text accordingly.


Used to identify the device, browser, ratios and etc.


Used to help developers during the React Query information flow.


Used to check the commits before actually commits.


Used for embed the enviroment variables during the API URL build.


Used to provide a checker before actions.


Used to update the files without restarting the server.


Used to run multiple commands without worrying about OS syntax.


Used to support old browsers.

jest & jest-enviroment-jsom-sixteen

Used to support jest and its scripts with the new engine.


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