LukasGlader / Airsoft-Domination-Point

Arduino based 3-team score tracker
MIT License
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Airsoft Domination Point

Arduino based score tracker for airsoft domination games.



1. Connect power source

The point can be completely "un-captured" by either disconnecting and reconnecting the power source or by pressing all three buttons simultaneously.

The point can be uncaptured as well as resetting the score to 0 for all teams by holding down all three buttons simultaneously for at least 5 seconds.

Required Hardware:

Note: The EEPROM will be written to once every minute when captured, as well as each time the owner changes. According to my reasearch on the wear on EEPROM when writing to it this feature should be reliable for several months of running time.

Required Software:

U8x8 library for OLED display, look up tutorial for the display you are using (i.e SSD1306 based display).

Examples of the display when device is in use:

After first start

| Current owner:              |
|                             |
| Score:                      |
| Blue:                       |
| Yellow:                     |
| Orange:                     |

After capture by blue team

| Current owner: Team Blue    |
|                             |
| Score:                      |
| Blue:                  1:05 |
| Yellow:                     |
| Orange:                     |

After re-capture by orange team

| Current owner: Team Orange  |
|                             |
| Score:                      |
| Blue:                  1:05 |
| Yellow:                     |
| Orange:             1:06:46 |

After "un-capturing" by game admin

| Current owner:              |
|                             |
| Score:                      |
| Blue:                 57:31 |
| Yellow:                     |
| Orange:             1:06:46 |

After score reset by game admin

| Current owner:              |
|                             |
| Score:                      |
| Blue:                       |
| Yellow:                     |
| Orange:                     |