Luke1982 / ansible-ubuntu-server

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Ansible server setup

Steps to setup

To deploy

To configure webservers

To configure DB servers

No special configuration needed. Remember that MariaDB will allow sudo mysql as a user in the 'sudoers' group to allow you to do administrative stuff like create users and databases.

To configure mailservers

To start the deployment

Remember the username you created on the remote machine, and the password of that user. Now execute ansible-playbook -u USER -K site.yml. You'll be asked for a SUDO password, that should be the password of the user on the remote machine. After that you may be asked for your own SSH key password, if you've set that.

How to create password hashes

You never store the actual password in a variable file. In stead you store the hash as saved in /etc/shadow. To make these passwords run mkpasswd --method=sha-512

