A free to use an open source fitness app for Cal Poly's CSC 307 class taught by professor BJ Klingenberg
See more here https://www.gitfit.me/
As mentioned before, GitFit is a student project for a software engineering class. Though initially a fitness app was just a more interesting alternative to the proposed ideas and templates for project, everyone in the group had a fun time developing their own little branches and ideas that they thought would be important to a fitness app. In the end we think we did a good job and are happy that it turned out as well as it did.
For questions, email me at lsandsor@calpoly.edu or lukesandsor@gmail.com
Using eslint to enforce the AirBnB style seen in this link: https://airbnb.io/javascript/react/
Here are some of the exceptions to the Airbnb we decided to implement: "rules": { "react/prop-types": "off", "linebreak-style": "off" }