LukeSmithxyz / lb

Blog & RSS system in less than 100 lines of shell script
GNU General Public License v3.0
279 stars 80 forks source link

This repo is archived.

I no longer use or maintain this script as of several years now. I moved to Hugo to deal with static sites to have tagging abilities and other things.

lb and sup -- Luke's Blog Script and Site Updater

Blogs and RSS feeds in less than 100 SLOC. lb stands for whatever. Maybe "Luke's blog", maybe "lightweight blog", maybe "less bloat", doesn't matter that much.

Video Showcase

I've also added sup, which is even more minimal and focused on old-school static websites with no blog, but a need for a site updater! See it at the bottom of this README.

Both lb and sup are mutually compatible and you can use them both on the same site and even feed into the same RSS feed. lb makes new blog posts which go to make standalone pages, a rolling blog file and an RSS entry. sup, on the other hand, is if you manually add a new page to your website and want to make people know about that change. It can be run multiple times on a page for each time it is updated.

lb Features

lb is an extremely small shell script that lets you write blog posts and will format them in all the ways you could ever want. Here's what it will produce:


lb commands are all one letter cause I'm lazy. They all stand for something though.

./lb n(ew)  # Make a new blog post draft.
./lb e(dit) # Edit a draft of an entry.
./lb t(rash)    # Delete a draft of an entry.
./lb p(ublish)  # Finalize/publish a blog post draft.
./lb d(elete)   # Delete a published blog post.
./lb r(evise)   # Revise an already published entry (you can republish it with `lb p` when done)



For the system to work, add the following comment line to a (1) Rolling Blog File (as above), a (2) Blog List File and (3) RSS feed.

<!-- LB -->

You can format these files/pages how ever you want, just be sure to edit the lb file and change the variables at the top to match the file names of those you chose.

When you finalize a blog post, it will be added directly below that line in the proper format (either HTML or the proper RSS/XML format), give you the rolling blog and RSS feed for free.


sup -- Site updater or "What's up?"

If having a "blog" is too cringe for you and you just want an RSS feed where you can post updates about recently changed pages, use sup.

Let's say you make a page called favorite-programs.html.

Just run sup favorite-programs.html and that new page's content will be added to the RSS feed.

Specifically, sup will get only the <body> tag, but also exclude the <nav> and <footer> tags. All the rest of the content will be directly viewable via RSS.

If you update that page in the future, run sup on it again and it will prompt you for an update message

Installation of sup

Just add the

<!-- LB -->

line in your RSS feed like for lb above and be sure to change the variables (rss file name and website) in the sup script.

sup and lb are fully compatible and can be run on the same website for different purposes.