Lukinooo / Think-Twice-Before-you-Answer

Repository for my diploma thesis
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Master's thesis - Think Twice Before You Answer: Mitigating Biases of Question Answering Models

Student: Lukáš Mikula

Advisor: Mgr. Michal Štefánik

This GitHub repository stores source code and datasets for the master's thesis.

This work is implemented in Python, for best compatibility, use Python version 3.7.9. At first, please, install the requirements.txt file with the standard command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

All the source code is available in the form of Jupyter Notebooks, all these Notebooks are in the main directory:

BERT_base_finetuning.ipynb - for baseline BERT-base-uncased model fine-tuning on SQuAD dataset.

computation_of_heuristics.ipynb - for computation of our proposed heuristics on SQuAD

measuring_bias_significance.ipynb - for measuring the bias significance by bootstrap on dataset with predictions

evaluation_of_models_on_multiple_datasets.ipynb - for evaluation of saved fine-tuned BERT models on validation datasets

formatting_of_validation_datasets.ipynb - for postprocessing of Natural Questions and TriviaQA datasets to SQuAD-like structure

BERT_debiased_models_finetuning.ipynb - for fine-tuning of BERT models on super-sampled training dataset

BERT_finetuning_with_validation_losses.ipynb - for evaluation of out-of-domain datasets' losses during BERT fine-tuning

We run all notebooks for BERT fine-tuning on Kaggle, because the fine-tuning demands a powerful GPU. However, the paths to the datasets are altered to work with this structure. If you want to run these notebooks On Colab or Kaggle, please, change the paths in corresponding cells.

The datasets, we use in our experiments and evaluations are available in directory datasets:

valid_squad_with_predictions.json - validation SQuAD with predicted answers from the baseline BERT model

squad_train.json - train SQuAD

squad_train_with_heuristics_flags.json - train SQuAD with computed heuristics and flags for identification of

enhanced_valid_squad_with_predictions.json - validation SQuAD with predicted answers from the baseline BERT model and computed heuristics

nq_dev.json - validation Natural Questions dataset obtained by the QA dataset converter

nq_dev_formatted.json - validation Natural Questions dataset with postprocessing to SQuAD-like format

triviaqa_dev.json - validation TriviaQA dataset obtained by the QA dataset converter

triviaqa_dev_formatted.json - validation TriviaQA dataset with postprocessing to SQuAD-like format

adversarialqa_validation.json - validation AdversarialQA dataset

Directory models is not present in this GitHub. To run Notebooks that refer to the saved BERT model, use some alternation from the HuggingFace Library.

For the successful run of evaluation_of_models_on_multiple_datasets.ipynb Notebook, uncomment the value for saved_model parameter in third code cell or use your own model.