LukyVj / Colorify.js

The simple, customizable, tiny javascript color extractor
ISC License
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The simple, customizable, tiny javascript color extractor.


We'd love to see what you're creating with colorify.js ! If you want to send your creations, and get featured on and on the github repo, send the url in a comment on the issue Community Showcase !

Be creative !

In summary, with Colorify.js, you can :

The script works with ANY images format : png, jpeg, jpg, gif


With npm

npm install colorify.js

With bower

bower install colorifyjs

Regular Setup

To install colorify, just download the script and load it at the end of your page

    <script src=""></script>

And add the colorify.css to the head:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Browserify setup

Just require colorify as any other CommonJS module after installing it via npm:

var colorify = require('colorify');

In terms of CSS you have to decide whether you reference the CSS file as described above or use a tool like parcelify to bundle the CSS.

Basic config

Keep in mind that you have to host the images on your server in order to avoid CORS restrictions

If your page contains only one section where you want to use colorify, you can use the basic config, to do so, you just need to load colorify like this :


Which is the equivalent to :

  id: 1,
  attr: 'colorify',
  container: 'scene',
  images: false,
  accuracy: 100,
  gradient: false,
  gradientDirection: 'to bottom right',
  padding: 4,
  lazyReveal: {
    transition: 1, 
    delay: 1,
    steps: false
  giveTo: false,
  revealOn: false

Load image dynamically

Sometimes you don't want to bother yourself writing too much code, you may want to load your images dynamically, there is a param for this in colorify.js, the images: parameter, you can pass an array of images to add them on your selected container

  container: 'dynamic-images',
  images: [

Get main color

The main value of colorify is the ability to extract the average color of an image, to do so, call the function like this

  container: 'colorify-main-color',
  accuracy: 10

And for example you've got this markup

<div colorify-main-color>
  <img colorify src="">
  <img colorify src="">
  <img colorify src="">

It will result in :

<div colorify-main-color>
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-color: rgb(221, 89, 80);">
    <img colorify="" src="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-color: rgb(63, 147, 220);">
    <img colorify="" src="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-color: rgb(22, 196, 102);">
    <img colorify="" src="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">

Get a gradient

To get a gradient from an image, you write the colorify script with the following parameters and values

  container: 'colorify-gradient-color',
  accuracy: 10,
  gradient: true,
  gradientDirection: 'to bottom right'

With the following markup

<div colorify-gradient-color>
  <img colorify src="">
  <img colorify src="">
  <img colorify src="">

It will result in

<div colorify-gradient-color>
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(233, 117, 104), rgb(224, 86, 77)); background-color: rgb(221, 89, 80);">
    <img src="" colorify="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(61, 157, 220), rgb(75, 152, 222)); background-color: rgb(63, 147, 220);">
    <img src="" colorify="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">
  <div class="image-container" style="padding: 4px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right bottom, rgb(29, 208, 118), rgb(22, 163, 75)); background-color: rgb(22, 196, 102);">
    <img src="" colorify="" class="colorify visible all-loaded" style="transition: all 1000ms ease 1000ms;">

Lazy reveal

This is an interesting aspect of Colorify, and kindof the reason of it's existence. It will allow you to Lazy-reveal your images.

We use the term Lazy-reveal because it's not "lazy-loading" them per say. Because Colorify is a 100% client script, the only way colorify can process your images is when they are loaded and so, when they are loaded, the script hide them directly, process them and reveal them.

You can set the time you want, and it will reveal each images based on this time.

All at once without transition

To reveal the images all at once without any transition but a delay

  container: 'colorify-lazy-reveal',
  lazyReveal: {
    delay: 3 // 3 second before revealing

All at once with transition

To reveal the images all at once but with a delay

  container: 'colorify-lazy-reveal-2',
  lazyReveal: {
    transition: 2,  // The transition occurs for 2 seconds
    delay: 3

All at once with a stepped transition

To reveal the images all at once but with a delay and stepped

  container: 'colorify-lazy-reveal-3',
  lazyReveal: {
    transition: 2,  // The transition occurs for 2 seconds
    delay: 1,
    steps: true

Display on event

You may want to display the image when a certain element is clicked ? from the body to an ID, you can display the images on any event, with any trigger !

  container: 'colorify-reveal-on-event',
  revealOn: {
    event: 'mouseOver',
    trigger: '#hover'

Manipulates color

This is a cool aspect of Colorify, you can extract the color from a picture, and give it's value to any element on the page

The property parameter accepts :

Give it to the parent

  container: 'colorify-reveal-on-event',
  give: {
    property: 'background',
    target: 'parent'

Give it to children

  container: 'colorify-reveal-on-event',
  give: {
    property: 'background',
    target: 'child'

Give it to the exact element

  container: 'colorify-reveal-on-event',
  give: {
    property: 'background',
    target: '.cover'



  id: numeric,
  container: string,
  attr: string, 
  images: array,
  accuracy: numeric,
  color: boolean,
  gradient: boolean,
  gradientDirection: string,
  padding: numeric,
  lazyReveal: {
   transition: numeric, 
   delay: numeric,
   steps: boolean
  give: {
    property: string,
    target: string
  revealOn: {
    trigger: string
    event: string


  id: 1,
  container: 'colorify-container',
  attr: 'colorify', 
  images: [
  accuracy: 20,
  color: false,
  gradient: true,
  gradientDirection: 'to top left',
  padding: 10,
  lazyReveal: {
   transition: 1, 
   delay: 1,
   steps: true
  give: {
    property: 'color',
    target: '.header h1'
  revealOn: {
    trigger: '#start'
    event: 'click'


  id: 1,
  container: 'colorify',
  attr: 'colorify', 
  images: false,
  accuracy: 100,
  color: boolean,
  gradient: false,
  gradientDirection: false,
  padding: 4,
  lazyReveal: false,
  give: false,
  revealOn: false


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