LumePart / Explo

Spotify's "Discover Weekly" for self-hosted music systems
MIT License
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airsonic discover-weekly jellyfin mpd music-discovery music-player-daemon navidrome self-hosted subsonic subsonic-plugin

Explo - Discover Weekly for Self-Hosted Music Systems

Explo is an alternative to Spotify's "Discover Weekly". It automates music discovery by downloading recommended tracks based on your listening history. Using ListenBrainz for recommendations and Youtube for downloading.

Explo offers two discovery modes:

  1. Playlist Discovery (default): Retrieves songs from a ListenBrainz-generated playlist.
  2. API Discovery: Uses the ListenBrainz API for recommendations (Note: API recommendations don't update often).


Getting Started




  1. Download docker-compose.yaml file to your system and configure volume mappings
  2. Make a local.env file in the directory defined in docker-compose and configure it (refer to sample.env for options)
  3. Launch the container with docker compose up -d


  1. Download the latest release and ensure it's executable
  2. Make a local.env file in the same directory and configure it (refer to sample.env for options)
  3. Add a Cron job to run Explo weekly:
    crontab -e

    Insert this to the last line to execute Explo every tuesday at 00:15 (ListenBrainz updates its discovery database on Mondays)

    15 0 * * 2 cd /path/to/explo && ./explo-linux-amd64

    PS! To test if everything is correct change LISTENBRAINZ_DISCOVERY to test and run the program manually


Contributions are always welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.