LuminosoInsight / sales-engineering-code

Code for sales engineering, particularly for code that will be given to customers
MIT License
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Luminoso Sales Engineering Code

This repository holds example code and utility scripts written by Luminoso. This code is considered unsupported and for demonstration purposes only. There are many scripts which may be helpful and we will do our best to support your efforts in using them, but they remain outside the contractual support system.

Downloading the latest wheel file

The latest wheel file is available here.

You should download the .whl file as well as the se_code_installation.pdf file which explains how to install and run the wheel file.

If all you are going to do is run the wheel file, you don't need any more information from this page. The rest of this page is oriented towards the source code of these scripts for developers.

Developer information

Downloading the source code

To start you need to clone the source code repository git clone

Creating a python virtual environment

You will want to create a Python virtual enviroment. It isn't required, but it will help manage dependencies between different projects or versions. Open a Terminal, navigate to the place you want your environment to live. (Note: you'll need to navigate here to start the environment, so don't bury it too deep). It's probably best to just put it in the sales-engineering-code folder

  1. Create the virtual environment (Python 3):

    python -m venv venv

  2. Run Python in your newly created environment:

    source venv/bin/activate

  3. Test your new environment by opening Python:


  4. To log out of the environment:


Installation for developers

After downloading the repository, the code package can be installed into your python environment with

python develop

Updating the version for release

To update to a new version, change the version value in

Check that version change into the git push the change into the repo.

Package the wheel file as outlined below.

Make any changes to the se_code_installation.pdf file, the source is Save that google document as a pdf called se_code_installation.pdf

Go to the and draft a new release.

The tag version will be just the version. 0.5.0

The release title will be the same number with a v in front. v0.5.0

Drag the whl file, the source file and se_code_installation.pdf file into the 'attach binaries by dropping them here' section.

Click publish release.

Packaging the wheel file for customers

The se_code can be packaged for sharing with customers by using a wheel file.

You first may need to have the Python wheel file package installed
pip install wheel

The commands to build the wheel file.

cd sales-engineering-code
python sdist bdist_wheel

This will create a folder called dist with two files in it.

se_code-0.2-py3-none-any.whl\ se_code-0.2.tar.gz

You can give the .whl file to a customer and it contains all the scripts they may need. This code is considered demonstration code and not supported. The tar.gz file should be included if the customer would like to extend or modify the functionality of these scripts that call the Luminoso API.

Customer Installation

Once you have the .whl file you can run the following commands to setup the Luminoso sales engineering example scripts.

pip install dist/se_code-0.2-py3-none-any.whl

Once installed, the wheel included shortcuts to run any of the scripts without the python interpreter on the command line. For instance the customer can simply run.

lumi_doc_downloader --help

A customer installation document is available here.

Change Procedures

These scripts and files are maintained by the Luminoso sales team.

If you are developing something within the se_code package and don't want to have to install/build the package every time you can set an environment variable to the location where your se_code is.

export PYTHONPATH=/home/you/sales-engineering-code

This may or many not be necessary if you use python develop as your installation command. If your code changes are not running correctly, try the export command.

Files that you put in the se_code directory can be run directly via your favorite file-running procedure (ipython, for instance, has %run <filename>, and can also be imported via import se_code.<filename>. You can also make subdirectories of se_code; if you do, creating a blank file in your subdirectory will allow the same kind of importing, i.e. import se_code.<subdirectory>.<filename>.

However: please do not add files directly to the master branch of this repository! Instead, there are a few Git commands that will allow you to put things into a separate, not-yet-approved "branch", and then request that the development team review your code. The basic procedure, annotated with numbers in brackets, is:

[1] git checkout master
[2] git pull
[3] git checkout -b <descriptive-branch-name>
[4] <code editing goes here>
[5] git commit -a
[6] git push -u origin <descriptive-branch-name>

The idea is that, first, you want to make sure you're in the "master" branch. [1] (git status will tell you what branch you're in, or just typing git checkout master will switch you to it if you're not already there.) You also want to make sure your master branch is up to date [2], or else you'll end up in what we call "git hell". (Note: if you do ever find yourself in git hell, just ask someone for help, because everyone ends up there at some point.)

You then want to create a new branch [3], something like git checkout -b code-for-InfoCompuCorp or git checkout -b topic-copying-code. checkout tells git to switch you to that branch; -b tells it you're making a new branch. Once you're in that branch, you can add or modify code to your heart's content [4]. When you're done you "commit" your changes: the command in [5] commits everything that's changed, or alternately you can use git add <files> to add just those files you want to add, and then git commit to commit the ones you've added. Finally, push it to GitHub [6]. If you've previously put it on GitHub and are making changes, you can just type git push at this step; the command given here both pushes the code and tells GitHub about your new branch.

When you want someone to review your code, you want to make a "pull request" (or PR). Go to and click "New pull request". You can click on the name of your branch, and then click "Create pull request", which will take you to a page where you can write a description of the PR and click the button that creates it. After that, someone from the Dev team will look over your code and possibly leave comments or discuss the details with you.

Make sure that it's clear what your code should do! We encourage comments, docstrings, and informative commit messages. ("Some more code" is not an informative commit message...) See and for more information on using git.

For Luminoso code style guide see: (

Running the web application

You can run the web application\ cd api-utils-app\ python

Navigate your browser to (