Luozirui597 / CI2024_lab1

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# In Instance 1, I used the Simulated Annealing algorithm, but my result was not ideal, and the costs were the same.I think I made some silly mistakes.This algorithm requires setting the temperature and cooling rate, making parameter more complex. # Instance 2 used the simple hill climbing algorithm.It's quick and 'simple',I think it suitable for small scape question/ # And Instance 3 used RMHC. # Instances 4, 5, and 6 used RMHC, RMHC with Strong Tweak, and Steepest Step and Restart, respectively. # RMHC truely increased chance to avoid local optima solution by multiple restarts.

# I finished those instances by myself,and thanks to professor's recording vedio and some online resources those I forgot saving their link.But I deeply realised I didn't understand or master the algorithm,it's essential to continue learning and making some progress.