LuxGraph / Lux

A Distributed Multi-GPU System for Fast Graph Processing
Apache License 2.0
63 stars 8 forks source link


A distributed multi-GPU system for fast graph processing.


After you have cloned Lux, use the following command lines to clone CUB and Legion.

git submodule init
git submodule update


Running code

The applications take an input graph as well as several runtime flags starting with -ll:. For example:

./pagerank -ll:gpu 4 -ll:fsize 12000 -ll:zsize 20000 -file twitter-2010.lux -ni 10
./components -ll:gpu 1 -ll:fsize 6000 -ll:zsize 6000 -file indochina.lux -verbose -check
./sssp -ll:gpu 2 -ll:fsize 12000 -ll:zsize 20000 -file twitter-2010.lux -start 0

Graph Format

Lux uses compressed sparse column (CSC) graph in binary format. The specific format is as follows in binary:


<nv> and <ne> denote the number of vertices and direct edges in the graph. The CSC format starts with a sequence of offsets for the vertices in the CSC format, followed by a sequence of directed edges ordered by their target vertex. The offset <c(i-1) and <c(i)> refer to the start and end points of a contiguous block of in-edges for vertex i. More specifically, <e(c(i-1))>...<e(c(i)-1)> is the collection of all in-neighbors for vertex i. For weighted graphs, the weights are stored after the edge sources.

Some example graphs in Lux format are as follows.

Graph NV NE Weighted
Hollywood 1,139,905 57,515,616
Indochina 7,414,866 194,109,311
Twitter-2010 41,652,230 1,468,365,182
RMAT27 134,217,728 2,147,483,648
Amazon 3,376,972 11,676,082 Yes
NetFlix 497,959 200,961,014 Yes


Zhihao Jia, Yongkee Kwon, Galen Shipman, Pat McCormick, Mattan Erez, and Alex Aiken. A Distributed Multi-GPU System for Fast Graph Processing. PVLDB 11(3), 2017.