LynchLab / MAPGD

A program for the Maximum-likelihood analysis of population genomic data.
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Download MAPGD

MAPGD version 0.5

(C) Michael Lynch and Matthew Ackerman

Visit the MAPGD development page

WARNING --- mapgd relatedness may show unexpected behavior. Use with care.



Quick start

Basic Usage

Common Options
Log-likelihood ratios
Example Analysis
Other Useful Programs




IU users
Sanger users


MAPGD is a series of related programs that estimate allele frequency, heterozygosity, Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, linkage disequilibrium and identity-by-descent (IBD) coefficients from population genomic data using a statistically rigorous maximum likelihood approach. It is primarily useful for the analysis of low coverage population genomic data or for the analysis of pooled data (where many individuals are used to prepare a single sample).

Quick start


After clicking the "Download" button you will be prompted to save or open the file Save this this file to the directory of your choice, then go to this directory in a terminal, for example /home/matthew/Downloads/

Then type:

cd MAPGD-master/

The program can be installed for all users of a computer by typing:

sudo make install

You will be prompted for your super-user password. If you do not have a super-user password for the system on which you are installing the software, you can type:

make install DESTDIR=~/bin/

This will install the software in the ~/bin/ directory which should allow you to use the software by simply typing 'mapgd'. If not, add the following line to your .bashrc file:


A quick test to make sure everything is working correctly can be conducted by typing:

make test

This will output a of lines ending in PASS or FAIL to your terminal. Ideally all of the lines should say PASS.

Mac installation

Mac users may not have developmental tools installed by default, or you may not have agreed to the xcode licence. You may have to install and configure xcode before using mapgd. Once you have xcode you can type:

make noomp.
Using mapgd

Mapgd works a number of commands each with their own associated help.

Generally you will start by creating mpileup files with samtools mpileup command, converting these mpileup files to the pro format with mapgd's proview command, and then beginning your analysis. Running the script "" in the src\test\ directory will simulate a genomics study and then run mapgd on the simulated data. You may also want to look at an Example Analysis.

For analyzing individual labeled data you will probably want a command like this:

samtools mpileup -q 25 -Q 25 -B individual1.sort.bam individual2.sort.bam 
| mapgd proview -H seq1.header | mapgd allele 
| mapgd filter -p 22 -E 0.01 -c 50 -C 200 -o

The filter command will limit the output to sites where the log-likelihood ratio of polymorphism is greater than 22 (-p 22), the error rate is less than 0.01 (-E 0.01) and the population coverage is between 50 and 200.

And for analyzing pooled data you will probably want a command like this:

samtools mpileup -q 5 -Q 5 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam 
| mapgd proview -H seq1.header | mapgd pool -a 22 -o allelefrequency-filtered.pol

The -a option will limit the output to sites where the log-likelihood ratio of polymorphism is greater than 22, which is a relatively stringent criteria.

In the case where the allele command is being used to estimated the seven genotypic correlation coefficients named pipes can be used for the I/O redirection.

mkfifo map;
mkfifo pro;
samtools mpileup -q 5 -Q 5 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam 
| mapgd proview -H seq1.header | tee pro | mapgd allele | mapgd filter -p 22 -E 0.01 -c 50 -C 200 > map &;
mapgd genotype -p pro -m map | mapgd relatedness > population-rel.out

And linkage disequilibrium can be calculated in a similar manner:

mkfifo map;
mkfifo pro;
samtools mpileup -q 5 -Q 5 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam 
| mapgd proview -H seq1.header | tee pro  | mapgd allele | mapgd filter -p 22 -E 0.01 -c 50 -C 200 > map &;
mapgd linkage -p pro -m map > population-lnk.out


Why don't you provide information on indels?

We currently do not have a likelihood model to account for errors in calling indels, so we cannot incorporate indels into our program at this time. This is on our TODO list, but may not occur for some time.

How long does it take to run?

Typical benchmarks with 16 threads on a 2.6 GHz put us at around 18,000 sites a second for 96 simulated individuals at 10x coverage. This means that the typical invertebrate population will take around three hours to analyze on a good computer, and a vertebrate genome might take a few days. If you have managed to sequence Paris japonica you're looking at three months of computation time if you run it on a single computer. However, mapgd is designed to be used in a cluster computing environment, and can make use of multiple nodes to dramatically reduce computation time. Running mapgd on 96 individuals with 150 Gbp genomes should be possible if a large number of nodes (say 50) are used.

Help, I can't get the program to compile.

MAPGD requires a compiler that complies with the C++11 guidelines. If you have a C++11 compiler and mapgd will still not compile on your system, please e-mail me (Matthew Ackerman) so that I can work to correct the problem. I have compiled mapgd on:

To compile on OS X, you may need to type 'make noomp' because the default OS X does compiler does not support openmp. You may be able to obtain a compiler that supports openmp by typing:

brew install gcc --without-multilib

Help, the program keeps crashing/hanging

The first thing you should do is e-mail me (for contact information type 'mapgd -h'). I will open a bug report and we can begin discussing how to fix the program.

How can I help?

We have lots to do, and need plenty of help!

If you can do any of these things (or anything else that you think might help), you can contribute to the project by typing:

git clone

This will create a clone of the repository that you can play around with on your own. Then, if you can make some change that might help you can mark the file to be changed by typing:

git add FILENAME

Then type a short comment describing the change you have made using the command

git commit -m "COMMENT"

Finally show me your changes by typing.

git push


LD should be fixed, but relatedness now always uses the home-grown Newton-Raphson. It should be a little more stable than before, but please pay attention to the PASS/FAIL flags.

Changes from 0.4

I'm breaking LD with this update.

Several flags have been changed for greater consistency between commands, binary flags are up and working, vcf output/input is up and working.

Likelihood equations for LD have been changed to account for departure from HWE.

Changes from 0.3

There have been a lot changes from 0.3. The format of input and output files has changed, and previous formats are no longer supported. The name of the 'ei' command has been changed to allele, and the 'ep' and 'cp' are now both part of the 'pooled' command. A standard file interface has been created (map-file) which handles all our reading and writing needs. The pro-file interface has been deprecated.


Mapgd currently implements the following commands:

allele                Estimates allele frequencies using individual data
fastview          Quickly displays contents of a file.
filter                Filter sites in '.map' files
filterpool        Filter sites in '.pol' files
filtergcf         Filter sites in '.gcf' files
genotype              Calculate genotype probabilities for individuals
linkage               Estimates linkage disequilibrium between loci
pool                  Estimates allele frequencies using pooled data*
proview               Prints data in the '.pro' file quartet format
read                  Reads from an SQL database    
relatedness           Estimates the 7 genotypic correlation coefficients 
reltest           Test for significant difference between relatedness estiamtes
sam2idx               Reformats a sam header to an idx used by mapgd
writevcf          Prints as a vcf file
readvcf           Reads a vcf file
write                 Writes to an SQL database

Each command has a number of options that can be examined by the -h option. For example, to get a short help message you can type:

matthew@Ne:~$mapgd allele -h
usage: mapgd allele  [--input] [--output] [--outpro] [--individuals] [--minerror] ... 

mapgd allele version 0.4.1 written by Matthew Ackerman and Takahiro Maruki
Uses a maximum likelihood approach to estimate population genomic statistics from an individually 'labeled' population.

  -i, --input       the input file for the program (default stdout).
  -o, --output      the output file for the program (default stdin).
  -p, --outpro      name of a 'cleaned' pro file (default none).
  -I, --individuals the individuals to be used in estimates.
            a comma seperated list containing no spaces, and the format X-Y can be used to specify a range (default ALL).
  -m, --minerror    prior estimate of the error rate (defualt 0.001).
  -H, --header      the name of a .idx file storing scaffold infomation
  -M, --mincoverage minimum coverage for an individual at a site for an individual to be used (default 4).
  -g, --goodfit     cut-off value for the goodness of fit statistic (defaults 2.0).
  -N, --number      cut-off value for number of bad individuals needed before a site is removed entirely (default 4).
  -S, --skip        number of sites to skip before analysis begins (default 0).
  -H, --noheader    disables printing a headerline.
  -n, --newton      use newton-raphson likelihood maximization (slow but accurate).
  -h, --help        prints this message
  -v, --version     prints the program version

More detailed documentation for each command is being produced, and will be available shortly.

Common Options

-o --output \<FILENAME> When this option is specified output file(s) with basename FILENAME will be created and with appropriate extensions will be added (possible file extensions are listed bellow). This option can be useful for generating files for human inspection because data will not be proceeded by a long list of scaffold names and lengths. However, several separate files will be need by some commands, which may make the management of files more difficult.

-H --header \<FILENAME> FILENAME will be treated as a header, and the .idx corresponding to basename will not be opened.

-i --input \<FILENAME> The file FILENAME will be opened for input, rather than taking input from stdin.


Header lines Ever file begins with two header lines, each beginning with the '@' character. The first header line list the name of the table in the SQL database in which data may be stored, along with the version of MAPGD used to create the table, and some formating information. The second header list the value stored in each column of the table.

The table below lists some of the labels with their descriptions. It also lists the type of value stored in each column, but this will not be important for you unless you are writing a program which directly uses the binary output of mapgd. For a complete list of Labels and types see the file keys.txt in the source directory.

Label mapgd type Description
MJ_FREQ float_t frequency of the major allele
MN_FREQ float_t frequency of the minor allele
MM_FREQ float_t frequency of the major major genotype
Mm_FREQ float_t frequency of the major minor genotype
mm_FREQ float_t frequency of the minor minor genotype
NULL_ER float_t error rate assuming monomorphism
ERROR float_t maximum likelihood error rate
HETERO float_t heterozygosity of a site
POLY_LR float_t log likelihood ratio of best fit/monomorphic
HWE_LR float_t log likelihood ratio of best fit/Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium
SMPNUM size_t sample number
SMPNAME std::string sample name
SCFNAME std::string the name of a scaffold, region of DNA
POS id1_t position
COVRAG count_t depth of coverage at a site
IND_INC size_t number of individuals used in a calculation
IND_CUT size_t number of individuals excluded from a calculation
EF_CHRM float_t the effective number of chromosomes at a site
GOF float_t goodness of fit value
LENGTH id1_t The length of a scaffold
VERSION std::string The version of mapgd used to make a file

Header lines can also contain an arbitrary (sanitized) string, which serves as a sample name, if appropriate. Below are example headers from each of the types of files produced by mapgd.

.idx files


.idx files list the name and size of all the scaffolds in a reference genome. This file can be obtained from a .bam file using the samtools view -H command and reformatting the samtools header with the 'sam2idx' command. Idx files are automatically generated when running the proview command.

.gof files


.gof files are generated by the allele command. These short files list 'Goodness of fit' values for each sample in the population. These values can be used for filtering out samples that have been cross contaminated.

.map files


.map files contain a list of estimated genotypic frequency obtained with the allele command. These files store test statistics for polymorphism and Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, as well as a small number of statistics which may prove useful for filtering variants, such as sequencing error rate and population depth of coverage.

.pro files

@SCFNAME        POS     REF     PA-001          PA-002          PA-003          ...
scaffold_1      1       A       0/0/0/0         1/0/0/2         4/0/0/0

.pro files are the most basic input file for mapgd. These are plain text files containing three or more tab delimited columns. The first column is an arbitrary string which identifier a genomic region (e.g., a scaffold), the second column is an integer number specifying the location of a site on that scaffold, and the remaining column(s) contains four integer values separated by '/'s representing the number of times an A, C, G, and T was observed at the site (respectively).

We call this file format the .pro file format. Files in this format can be generated from mpileup files (that have been made without the -s and -O options by samtools mpileup) using the command "mapgd proview"

If more than one bam file was used in the construction of the mpileup file, then these files will each appear as additional columns in the .pro File. The column names in mapgd default to the filename used to generate the column, and if more than one column is generated from a file, then the columns are numbered sequentially. Additionally, if multiple .pro or mpileup files are given as input to any command (proview included) these files can be merged for analysis (e.g "mapgd proview -i *.mpileup" prints a merged pro file to the standard out). In order to preserve sample names for analysis, a ...

.gcf files

The output of the genotype command. This stores the -log likelihood values that an individual is each of the three possible genotypes (Major Major, Major minor or minor minor) at each locus.

.rel files

The output of the relatedness command. This file stores the 7 genotypic correlation coefficients for all pairs of individuals and some log likelihood ratio test statistics.

.pol files

@SCFNAME        POS     MAJOR   MINOR   COVRAG  ERROR   Sample_0        Sample_1        Sample_2        Sample_3        Sample_4        Sample_5        Sample_6        Sample_7
scaffold_3      1       T       A       3       0.001   .../.../.../... 0.6/0.3/24./28. .../.../.../... .../.../.../... .../.../.../... .../.../.../... .../.../.../... .../.../.../... 

The output of the pooled command. This stores best estimates of allele frequencies and log likelihood ratio test for polymorphism and fixed substitutions at each locus. The log likelihood ratios are Polymorphic/Fixed Major, Polymorphic/Fixed Minor, Fixed Major/Fixed Minor. Because polymorphism has one more free parameter than the fixed states, log likelihood ratios for polymorphism will always be positive. For the Fixed Major vs. Fixed Minor, the statistic can be either positive (in which case it is more likely that the sample is fixed for the Major allele) or negative (in which case it is more likely that the sample is fixed for the minor allele.

So, for example, in Sample_1, the maximum likelihood estimate of the allele frequency is 0.6, but the log likelihood ratio test against against the fixed major allele is only 0.3, which is not significant.

The SQL database

MAPGD includes the ability to direct all output to an SQL database. This decrease storage space by eliminating redundant information from files (such as the initial position label in all indexed files) as well as decreasing the number of separate files saved to disk. Currently the tables are:

TABLES Data Primary Keys
REGIONS Scaffold, Start, Stop

In order to

Log-likelihood ratio statistics

Most of the commands in mapgd report log-likelihood ratio statistics. These statistics should be chi-square distributed. The number of degrees of freedom of the statistic depend on the number of parameters being estimated. In the case of pooled population data there is one degree of freedom, for the allele polymorphic statistic there are two, and for the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium statistic there is one. For the relatedness statistics there is one degree of freedom for each parameter, and seven degrees of freedom between the best-fit and null statistic. Significance at the 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 levels requires that the likelihood-ratio test statistic exceed 3.841, 6.635, and 10.827, respectively. Please consider including a correction for multiple testing if you wish to limit the number of type I errors in your data set. Other critical values can be obtained in R by typing : chisq(VALUE, df=DEGREES OF FREEDOM).

A simple script to predict the coefficients of IBD from merlin formated pedigree files.
A script that generates raw reads from a population and a reference file. This script was used to compare the performance of mapgd with similar programs.
A script to automatically generate some source code for minimization. The code does not work correctly.
A script to automatically generate some source code for minimization. The code does not work correctly.
A script to automatically generate some source code for minimization. The code doe not work correctly.
A list of 30,000 some odd markers for asexuality that were found in Tucker et al.
A script to record the % of makers in a file that and individual has. Usage python score\ marker.txt GENOTYPES.gcf.

Example Analysis

To begin any of these analyses, a ".pro" file must be created from a mpileup file. This is done with the proview command, which needs one or more mpileup files and a single index file. For example, if the sequencing center gives you two files called "seq1.fastq" and "seq2.fastq" your entire work flow might look something like this: bwa aln Reference.fna seq1.fastq > seq1.sai bwa sam Reference.fna seq1.sai seq1.fastq > seq1.sam samtools view -bS seq1.sam > seq1.bam samtools sort seq1.bam seq1.sort samtools index seq1.sort.bam You would then type some similar commands to map reads from seq2 to the same reference. Next the data have to be converted into some format the mapgd can read. This is done by creating an 'mpileup' file with samtools: samtools mpileup -q 25 -Q 25 -B seq1.sort.bam seq2.sort.bam > population.mpileup getting the samfile header by typing: samtools view -H seq1.sort.bam > seq1.header and then converted the mpileup file to a .pro file: mapgd proview -i metapopulation.pileup -H seq1.header > If the .pro file contains pooled (e.g. individuals cannot be distinguished) data you will want to run the pooled command: mapgd pool -i -o Alternatively, if the .pro file contains individual data you will want to run the allele command: mapgd allele -i -o One advantage of the above work flow is that each of the files can be inspect visually to explore the data. If you do not need to do this then it will be faster to create binary data and use I/O redirection.
The above work flow using I/O redirection
For analyzing individual labeled data you will probably want a command like this: samtools mpileup -q 25 -Q 25 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam | mapgd proview -H seq1.header | mapgd allele | mapgd filter -p 22 -E 0.01 -c 50 -C 200 -o And for analyzing pooled data you will probably want a command like this: samtools mpileup -q 25 -Q 25 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam | mapgd proview -H seq1.header | mapgd pool -a 22 -o allelefrequency-filtered.pol In the case where the allele command is being used to estimated the seven genotypic correlation coefficients named pipes can be used for the I/O redirection. mkfifo map; mkfifo pro; samtools mpileup -q 25 -Q 25 -B population1.sort.bam population2.sort.bam | mapgd proview -H seq1.header | tee pro | mapgd allele | mapgd filter -p 22 -E 0.01 -c 50 -C 200 > map &; mapgd genotype -p pro -m map | -o population.rel

Statistical Performance

MAPGD substantially outperfomrs existing programs ![Figure1](/extras/automatic_figures/Ackerman_2017/figure1.jpg?raw=true "Bias and RMSE of Allele freq.") The bais (solid line), 95% CI (shaded region) of four variant calling programs on simulated data. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. Simulation of 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs on Yeast Chromosome VI at 3x coverage. Simulation pipeline availible [here]( ![Figure2](/extras/automatic_figures/Ackerman_2017/figure2.jpg?raw=true "Type I vs Type II error") The bais (solid line), 95% CI (shaded region) of four variant calling programs on simulated data. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. Simulation of 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs on Yeast Chromosome VI at 3x coverage. Simulation pipeline availible [here]( ![Figure3](/extras/automatic_figures/Ackerman_2017/figure3.jpg?raw=true "Bias and RMSE of r2") The bais (solid line), 95% CI (shaded region) of four variant calling programs on simulated data. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. Simulation of 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs on Yeast Chromosome VI at 3x coverage. Simulation pipeline availible [here]( ![Figure4](/extras/automatic_figures/Ackerman_2017/figure4.jpg?raw=true "Bais and RMSE of pooled data") The bais (solid line), 95% CI (shaded region) of four variant calling programs on simulated data. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. Simulation of 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs on Yeast Chromosome VI at 3x coverage. Simulation pipeline availible [here]( ![Figure5](/extras/automatic_figures/Ackerman_2017/figure5.jpg?raw=true "Bias and RMSE of f") The bais (solid line), 95% CI (shaded region) of four variant calling programs on simulated data. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. Simulation of 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs on Yeast Chromosome VI at 3x coverage. Simulation pipeline availible [here](

Computational Performance

![Figure2]( A hypothetical figure demonstrating the scaling of several different components of mapgd, and several other programs for comparison. Red: mapgd, Cyan: angsd, Green: gatk, Blue: bcftools. For 20,000 randomly distributed SNPs in a 5 Mb genome at 3x coverage simulated by the pipeline I haven't linked here yet.

Other Useful Programs

This program is intended for use with ".pro" described in the previous section. A slightly modified version of the program sam2pro, written by Bernhard Haubold, is included in this package and can be run by typing "mapgd proview". Programs for converting other file formats to ".pro" files are available in stand alone form The workflow described above requires the programs bwa and samtools. To download bwa please visit To download samtools please visit
For windows users
Windows is currently unsupported, but you may try to compile the code and fix it yourself. I have tried to refrain from using any platform specific libraries, so it may not be too much work.

Notes for any High Performance Computer users

MAPGD is able to take advantage of mutli-threading and cluster computing environment. Make sure you know how to submit jobs that execute on multiple nodes with mutliple CPUs. To test whether your jobs are running correctly you can run the script 'speedtest' in the src/test directory. Ideally you should roughly linear gains from adding threads and CPUs up to the maximum avalible to you.

Notes for Indiana University users

When submitting PBS scripts please *make sure to specify the number of threads to use with the ppn option* #PBS -l ppn=16 *Bigred2* has several different programming environments. To compile the code you will have to type module rm PrgEnv-cray module load PrgEnv-gnu module load gsl/1.15 *Karst* may require loading module load gsl/1.15 *Mason* will require module rm gcc module load gcc/4.9.2 module load gsl/1.15

Notes for Sanger users

*Farm3* will require configure 'CXX=/software/gcc-4.9.2/bin' 'CXXFLAGS=-static' make Word of warning, the static linking is likely to make the program run slower, but I'm not sure by how much. If you are able you may want to change your environmental variables so that 'configure; make' works.


Ackerman, M. S., T. Maruki and M. Lynch. "MAPGD a program for the maximum likelihood analysis of population data." In prep. For output of the allele command please cite: Maruki, T., and M. Lynch. 2015 "Genotype-Frequency Estimation from High-Throughput Sequencing Data." Genetics 201.2: 473-486. For output of the pool command please cite: Lynch, M., D. Bost, S. Wilson, T. Maruki, and S. Harrison. 2014 "Population-Genetic Inference from Pooled-Sequencing Data." Genome Biol Evol 6:1210-1218. For the output of the linkage command please cite: Maruki, T., and M. Lynch 2014 "Genome-Wide Estimation of Linkage Disequilibrium from Population-Level High-Throughput Sequencing Data." Genetics 197: 1303-1313; For output of the relatedness command please cite: Ackerman, M. S., P. Johri, K. Spitze and M. Lynch, 2015 A general statistical model for coefficients of relatedness and its application to the analysis of population-genomic data. In prep.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. For a copy of the GNU General Public License write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA