LzVv123456 / Deep-Reinforced-Tree-Traversal

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This is the official release for paper A Deep Reinforced Tree-traversal Agent for Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction. Here we released detailed codes and also a set of toy models in order to visualize the result. Please check the original paper (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87240-3_40) for detailed ideas.

alt text


Please create an environment following requirements.txt to run the code. One may need to change the pytorch version according to your own CUDA version.


Download the example_data from the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yeJIoBALUGasHyFHAijkNILTtjhwfGXx/view?usp=sharing. Then substitute the place-holder folder with the one you downloaded.

  1. To check the effect of the proposed method, run the inference through:
    python tracer/inference.py
  2. One can also run the train code with the toy data. However it's not likely to get any reasonbale result or weight:
    python tracer/main.py
  3. Train the discriminator with the following command. Still no sensable result is guaranteed:
    python discriminator/main.py

    More Words:

    For those who are truly interested in DRL, please reference https://github.com/p-christ/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithms-with-PyTorch for more details. And honestly speaking, this code is a little bit messy and surely there are more elegent ways to organize the code as well as data structure. However, due to many reasons (mainly because I am too lazy :ghost: :ghost: :ghost:) here we are. So try not to stuck in detailed codes. Feel free to contact me (zl502@cs.rutgers.edu) if you have any confusion.


If you find this repository helpful, please consider giving a star and citing the following paper:

author="Li, Zhuowei and Xia, Qing and Hu, Zhiqiang and Wang, Wenji and Xu, Lijian and Zhang, Shaoting",
title="A Deep Reinforced Tree-Traversal Agent for Coronary Artery Centerline Extraction",
booktitle="Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2021",