M-M-Akash / Face_Recognition_System

Real time face detection and recognition system supports multiple cameras streaming
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face-recognition multithreading paddlepaddle realtime-streaming

Real Time Multiple Cameras Face Recognition System

This project aims to build a real-time face recognition system that can capture video streams from multiple cameras using RTSP protocol, analyze the video frames to detect faces, create bounding boxes around those faces and labeling thoses boxes with the person names.

Demonstration Environment:


Development Pipeline

The development pipeline for the face recognition system consists of several key steps, including model selection, data preprocessing, training, and deployment. The following is an overview of the pipeline:

  1. Capturing Video Frames from Multiple Cameras using RTSP Protocol:

    • Efficient capture of video frames from multiple cameras is crucial for real-time face recognition.
    • The system implements the RTSP protocol to access camera streams, which provides efficient video transmission over IP networks.
    • Threading techniques are employed to capture frames from multiple cameras simultaneously, improving performance by alleviating heavy I/O operations to separate threads.
    • By using threading, frames can be continuously read without impacting the performance of the main program.
  2. Model Selection:

    • Initially, the system utilized the insight-face-paddle library developed by PaddlePaddle for face recognition.
    • However, due to computational limitations on a CPU-based system, it was necessary to optimize the face detection model.
  3. Face Detection Model Optimization:

    • The original face detection model, BlazeFace, was computationally expensive for continuous frame processing.
    • As an alternative, the PyramidBox model was chosen as it demonstrated robustness against interferences and was optimized for mobile devices.
    • The lightweight version of the PyramidBox model was preferred to ensure efficient operation on embedded systems and mobile devices.
  4. Integration of Face Detection and Recognition:

    • The face detection model was integrated with the existing face recognition system from insight-face-paddle.
    • When processing frames from a video stream, the face detection model detects faces and extracts face crop images.
    • These face crop images are then passed through the face recognition model, MobileFace, to generate face embeddings.
  5. Similarity Measurement:

    • The face embeddings obtained from the MobileFace face recognition model are used to compute the cosine similarity between the camera feed faces and provided image faces.
    • This similarity measurement helps determine the degree of resemblance between faces, enabling face recognition and identification.
  6. Multithreading for Model Inference:

    • To fully utilize available system resources, multithreading techniques were employed to handle the model inferencing operation.
    • Multithreading ensures that both face detection and face recognition models can make predictions concurrently, optimizing system performance.
  7. GPU Support:

    • Additionally, a script for GPU support was developed, enabling the system to leverage GPU acceleration if available.
    • The GPU support script enhances the overall processing speed and allows for more efficient utilization of computational resources.

Setup Process

This guide outlines the steps to set up the required Python environment and install the necessary packages for face recognition using PaddlePaddle. Follow the instructions below to get started:

1. Create Python Virtual Environment

To begin, create a Python virtual environment using Python 3.8. Make sure you have pip version 20.0.2 installed. Run the following commands:

python3.8 -m venv myenv        # Replace `myenv` with your preferred environment name
source myenv/bin/activate    # Activate the virtual environment

2. Install PaddlePaddle Framework

Next, we need to install the PaddlePaddle framework. We'll be using version 2.4.2 with cpu support. Use the following command:

python -m pip install paddlepaddle==2.4.2 -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

If you do have the gpu support you need to install the gpu version. You can find the command here selecting your cuda version here.

3. Install Wheel Package

Install the Wheel package using pip:

pip install wheel

4. Install InsightFacePaddle

We will be using the InsightFacePaddle package for face recognition repository. Build the wheel package from this repository customized version of insight-face-paddle module.

Install it using the following commands:

git clone <this repository>
cd insight-face-paddle
python setup.py bdist_wheel
pip install dist/*

5. Install PaddlePaddle Hub

PaddlePaddle Hub is a powerful toolkit for pretrained AI models based on paddle paddle framework. Install it using the following command: Documentation

pip install paddlehub==2.1.0

To verify the installation, run the following code snippet:

import paddlehub


6. Install Face Detection Module

For face detection, we'll use the PyramidBox Lite Mobile module from PaddleHub. PyramidBox is a one-stage face detector based on SSD. This model has solid robustness against interferences such as light and scale variation. This module is optimized for mobile device, based on PyramidBox, trained on WIDER FACE Dataset and Baidu Face Dataset. Documentation

Install it using the following command:

hub install pyramidbox_lite_mobile

You have now completed the setup process for face recognition using PaddlePaddle. Follow the next steps specific to your application to continue. Feel free to refer to the provided links for further documentation on each component.


Before proceeding, make sure you have activated the Python virtual environment you created earlier. Run the following command:

source myenv/bin/activate    # Replace `myenv` with your virtual environment name

First you will need to introduce the people to the model

Run the enroll_new_faces.py script to enroll new people's faces.

Run the script using the following command:

(myenv)akash@akash:~$ python enroll_new_faces.py

Now to run the face recognition system camera streaming

You will need to provide rtsp links for the cameras which will be streaming. In the file camera_urls.json you need to paste the rtsp links in a list.

akash@akash:~$ cat camera_urls.json

If you want to use the cpu environment you can specify the no. of threads the model will be using during inference time in the script args.cpu_threads changing this variable value.

Run the cpu script using the following command:

(myenv)akash@akash:~$ python face_recognition-cpu.py

Also if you have gpu support you can run the script for gpu version

(myenv)akash@akash:~$ python face_recognition-gpu.py