Policing and Crime supply-demand modelling. CriMS is an evolution of crime-sim-toolkit [6] and forms the microsynthesis and microsimulation components of this workflow:
Uses the ukcensusapi [1] and ukpopulation [2] packages to generate MSOA-level population data derived from the 2011 census and scaled to 2020 subnational population projections.
Uses the police-api-client [3] and the police open data portal [4] directly to get open data on crime occurrences.
Uses the neworder [5] microsimulation framework to run the model. It uses historical data to determine counts of crimes as a function of location (MSOA), time (month), and (broad) type, so can capture seasonal fluctuations in crime frequency. It then imposes further weekly and daily periodicity to the crime rate, and this to sample crime incidences from a non-homogeneous Poisson process. More detailed crime types, and whether a suspect has been identified, are also sampled at force area resolution. This synthetic crime data can be fed into an agent-based model of Police operations which can alter its policies, potentially feeding back changes to crime rates that may result.
NB Although none of the data here contains any personally identifiable information, some is encrypted as a precaution and the encryption key is NOT provided in the repo, but may be provided on request.
In order to run the model, you will need to be able to access encrypted data. See below for further instructions
Crimes are sampled only by the 14 broad Police.UK categories, since this is the only categorisation in the bulk data. Police.UK also provide a breakdown of finer crime types by category.
ONS provide annual counts of crimes by force area in a more detailed categorisation with 134 distinct types, including the home office code for each type
However, the resourcing impact on the police of different crimes varyies enormously and "severity scores" are given by crime type for 246 detailed crime descriptions, including the home office code.
The first two datasets are not consistent, and require manual (i.e. insightful) matching of the finer/detailed crime type across the two datasets, which in turn allows weighted sampling of the ONS finer crime categorisation from the Police.UK broad category.
The home office codes can then be used to join the crime counts and their severity scores, so that the data supplied to the upstream (agent-based) model includes a measure of the police resourcing required to deal with each simulated crime. This step is can be done programmatically, and the code is given in weights.py
The mapping dataset is in data/policeuk-ons-code-join.csv
File | File Description | Download Location | Links to | Via Col(s) | Linking Method | Column Prefix in Matched File |
ONS_COUNTS | Detailed crime counts by ONS classification by police force area by calendar year | https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/928924/prc-pfa-mar2013-onwards-tables.ods | ONSSEVERITY | ONS_COUNTS_code == ONS_SEVERITY_code | Programatic | ONSCOUNTS |
ONS_SEVERITY | ONS Crime Severity Scores by offence type | https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/datasets/crimeseverityscoreexperimentalstatistics | ONSCOUNTS | ONS_COUNTS_code == ONS_SEVERITY_code | Programatic | ONSSEVERITY |
POLICE_UK_CAT_MAP | Mapping between Home Office Offence Codes and descriptions and the data.police.uk broad categories | https://www.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/police-uk/media/downloads/crime-categories/police-uk-category-mappings.csv | ONSCOUNTS & ONSSEVERITY | POLICE_UK_CAT_MAP_Offence ~=~ ONS_SEVERITY_offence or ONS_COUNTS_description | Manual | POLICE_UK_CATMAP |
First install dependencies, either
pip install -r requirements.txt
or for conda environments:
conda env create -f conda-env.yml
(NB the above file is created using conda env export > conda-env.yml
Some of the input data is encrypted and the model requires a key to decrypt it. The key should be stored in the environment variable CRIMS_ENCRYPTION_KEY
The best practice for managing this is to store the key in a local .env
file (which will be loaded by python automatically), with the following content:
CRIMS_ENCRYPTION_KEY=<insert key here>
The script run-model.py
can be used to run the model on a single force area and plot some output. Change the force area by editing the script. Run it like so:
python run_model.py "West Yorkshire" 2020 1 2021 1
which will simulate crime occurrences for West Yorkshire Police for the calendar year 2020. Note that not all the crime locations will be within the force area.
The model produces simulated crime data in four variables:
Interoperation of Police supply-demand ABM and crime microsimulation: see stack
NB this has dependencies (e.g. Flask) not specified in requirements.txt/conda-env.yml. If running outside docker, you will need to install manually.
The app's data is in a separate image due to its size and infrequent changes. Build and push this image only as necessary:
docker build -t mopd/crims-data -f Dockerfile.data .
docker push mopd/crims-data
The app itself it more lightweight, and uses the data as a base image
docker build -t mopd/crims -f Dockerfile.app .
docker push mopd/crims
To run locally
FLASK_APP=server.py flask run
which exposes an API at port 5000 with two endpoints:
Takes 2 query params, force
and month
plus an optional param format
(which defaults to json
), and returns one month's simulated crime data for a given force area, e.g.
Takes 2 query params, force
and month
, and returns crime density by MSOA plotted on a map.
This service is available as a docker image (due to its size and relatively infrequent changes, the data is in a separate image - which will take a while to initially download):
docker pull mopd/crims
docker run --rm -d -p 80:5000/tcp mopd/crims
which runs it locally, listening for requests on the default http port. You can then request data from the container, e.g. in python/pandas:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df1 = pd.read_csv("http://localhost/data?force=City%20of%20London&month=3&format=csv")
>>> df1.head()
MSOA crime_type description time suspect
0 E02006924 violence and sexual offences Sexual assault on a female aged 13 and over 2020-03-01 00:35:00 False
1 E02000001 violence and sexual offences Assault without injury 2020-03-01 02:09:00 True
2 E02000001 other theft Other theft 2020-03-01 02:37:00 False
3 E02000001 vehicle crime Interfering with a motor vehicle 2020-03-01 03:33:00 False
4 E02000001 other theft Other theft 2020-03-01 03:56:00 False
>>> df2 = pd.read_json("http://localhost/data?force=City%20of%20London&month=3", orient="table")
>>> df2.head()
MSOA crime_type description time suspect
0 E02000001 possession of weapons Possession of article with blade or point 2020-03-01 00:09:00 False
1 E02000001 other theft Other theft 2020-03-01 00:44:00 True
2 E02000001 vehicle crime Theft from vehicle 2020-03-01 02:38:00 False
3 E02000001 vehicle crime Theft from vehicle 2020-03-01 05:28:00 False
4 E02000001 burglary Burglary Business and Community 2020-03-01 06:39:00 False
Police-Supply-Demand (crims-integration branch) is a submodule, added like so
git submodule add -b crims-integration git@github.com:danbirks/Police-Supply-Demand
to update,
git submodule update [--init]
using the
flag if the content of the submodule is empty.Better still,
git config --global submodule.recurse true
then git pull will update the submodule too
An interactive GUI-based demo of the model integration between the crims microsimulation and an agent-based netlogo model can be found in the mopd/crims-int
container. The ABM currently performs the Schelling segregation model whilst also sampling crimes from crims and feeding back a (random) loading factor that increases or decreases the overall crime rate.
This is built with
docker build -t mopd/crims-int -f Dockerfile.int .
and requires permission to connect to the host's graphical display when it runs. On ubuntu, this works:
xhost +
docker run --rm -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY mopd/crims-int
on other platforms YMMV. Google is your friend.