M-O-S-E-S / mgm

MOSES Grid Manager
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MGM is a grid manager for project MOSES, a self-contained deployment strategy for OpenSimulator-based virtual worlds. You can read more at militarymetaverse.org

MGM is one half of a grid management solution for OpenSimulator, and now specifically the Halcyon branch. MGM is a user management, process management, content, and region deployment web application. When coupled with mgmNode, which is another process that confiugred and launches processes on command from MGM, allows a user to create estates, create regions, deploy the regions to servers, and start them from a single authenticated web interface.

Current Status

This codebase is in active use, and is updated as problems are found. It is currently in the process of separating concerns to enable microservice deployment and partial functionality replacements, but is currently a single process.

It uses two separate ports, 3000 and 3001. 3000 is for html client interaction, while 3001 is for receiving updates and uploads from mgmNode processes.

User templating is functional, with 2 templates 'M/F' enabled in the web gui. The server does not have a restriction on the type/number of templates, but the web gui will need to match. Templating is done by cloning another user's inventory and appearance, which means that the template accounts must be active, but they can also be updated at any time.

MGM is entirely JWT based, and does not use html cookies in any way.

This is open development. Both issues and pull requests are welcome.


This branch does not perform any MySQL migration. If you are on an older version of MGM, reference the SQL files under serverFiles. We have a version number inserted, but no automated way to migrate the database at this time.


typings install npm install cp settings.js.example settings.js && vim settings.js

Update settings.js to match your specific setup.

To create your initial users (likely 1 admin and 2 template accounts), run node dist/scripts/create-user.js [...] which reports back the UUID of the created accounts. Use the UUIDs of the template accounts to complete your templates secion in settings.js.

You must provide an x509 certificate for creating the JWT tokens MGM uses for Authorization. you can do so by running: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365

Log into the mgm web portal using your administrative user, and add the internal IP addresses of any region hosts you will use to the hosts tab.

Install and runn mgmNode on each of your region hosts, configuring it to communicate with mgm using internal IP: 3001.


This project is written in typescript, and must be compiled before it can be used

compile client: npm run build-client compile server: npm run build-server

compile client in production mode: npm run build-client-production

There are cli js scripts that are compiled when you compile the server that may prove useful: migrate-db: test and migrate the sql database using the sql files found in server/Files, in order. create-user: create a valid halcyon/mgm user from the command line. Useful for batch scripting, or creating your initial template and administrative accounts. template-existing-user: Wipe out a users inventory, and recreate it from one of the template accounts.


The server on port 3000 serves the MGM Single-Page-Application with html5 pushstate. As all of the client files are located in the same directory, it is possible and recommended to set up nginx with ssl, and proxy only the /api routes to MGM.


There are no migration tools provided at this time for either OpenSimulator, or Simiangrid based Grids. While OAR files are supported, several functions were implemented separately in halcyon from opensim, so anything reliant on osFunctions to operate will be broken until they can be modified to use halcyon function calls.