M17-Project / m17-tools

A set of M17 tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
29 stars 3 forks source link


A set of M17 tools based on original m17-cxx-demod toolset by Rob Riggs, WX9O.


A screenshot of m17-mod-gui running on Windows:



This program reads a 48k samples per second 16-bit, little-endian, single channel, M17 4FSK baseband stream from STDIN and writes a demodulated/decoded 8k SPS 16-bit, single channel audio stream to STDOUT.

Some diagnostic information can be written to STDERR while the demodulator is running.


This program reads in an 8k samples per second, signed 16-bit little-endian, single channel raw audio stream from STDIN and writes out an M17 4FSK baseband stream at 48k SPS, 16-bit, 1 channel to STDOUT.


This program connects to the running M17Gateway instance via selected port. It translates M17-over-IP traffic (reflector traffic) to M17 baseband. External system commands can be used for PTT signal control, see -T and -O options' description below.


This program connects to the running M17Gateway instance via selected port. It translates M17 baseband to the M17-over-IP traffic (reflector traffic).



This code requires the codec2-devel, boost-devel, gtest-devel [and libgl-dev, libasound2-dev, and xorg-dev for the gui app] packages be installed.

It also requires a modern C++17 compiler (GCC 8 minimum).

Build steps - All apps

sudo apt-get install libgl-dev xorg-dev libasound2-dev 
cd m17-tools
cd thirdparty/rtaudio
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../../../

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
sudo make install

Build steps - Command line apps only.

cd m17-tools
mkdir build
cd build
make test
sudo make install

Build for macOS using MacPorts

sudo port install pkgconfig boost gtest portaudio codec2

Then follow the build steps above from "cd m17-tools".

Build Steps for local building under Anaconda for Windows


From a clean Conda environment

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n M17 vs2019_win-64 cmake ninja pkg-config boost-cpp gtest gmock gtest libcodec2
conda activate M17

And then from the top level of the m17-tools repo, execute win_build.bat



This program was designed to be used with RTL-SDR, specifically rtl-fm.

rtl_fm -E offset -f 439.5M -s 48k | m17-demod -l | play -b 16 -r 8000 -c1 -t s16 -

You should run this in a terminal window that is at least 132 characters wide. It will output diagnostic information on a single line in the window.


sox 8k.wav -t raw - |  ./m17-mod -S AB1CD -D AB2CD | ./m17-demod -l -d | play -q -b 16 -r 8000 -c1 -t s16 -

The input audio stream must be single channel, 16-bit little-endian, 8ksps. The output of the modulator is 48ksps, 16-bit little-endian, single channel raw audio.

If you have a 16 bit stereo 48000 Hz wav file, it can be converted to the input audio format with a command like the following:

sox /tmp/recorded.wav -r 8000 -b 16 -c 1 /tmp/8k.wav

To output a bitstream file:

sox 8k.wav -t raw - | ./m17-mod -S AB1CD -x > m17.bin

This bitstream file can be fed into m17-gnuradio to transmit M17 using a PlutoSDR, HackRF, or any SDR with an appropriate GNURadio sink. See the specification document for more details on file formats.

Command line options

-h for general help


-S for the source callsign (alphanumeric string),
-D for the destination callsign (alphanumeric string),
-C for the Channel Access Number (0..15, default - 10),
-x for binary output (M17 baseband as a packed bitstream),
-r for raw audio output (single channel, signed 16-bit little endian, +7168 for the `+1` symbol),
-s for symbols output,
-d to dump additional debug info,
-K for AES key setting (hex format without the leading `0x`) - automatically checks keylength,
-T for PTT on command,
-O for PTT off command,


-l to enable LICH data dump,
-d to dump additional debug info,
-x for binary output,
-r for raw audio output,
-s for symbols output (signed 8-bit, 4.8k per second),
-K for AES key, automatic mute if encrypted transmission and no key provided.

The demodulator produces diagnostic output which looks like:

SRC: BROADCAST, DEST: AB3CD, TYPE: 0002, NONCE: 0000000000000000000000000000, CRC: bb9b
dcd: 1, evm:    13.27%, deviation:   0.9857, freq offset:  0.03534, locked:   true, clock:        1, sample: 0, 0, 0, cost: 9

The first line shows the received link information. The second line contains the following diagnostics.


-A for M17Gateway address (optional)
-P for M17Gateway port (default: 17011)
-d to dump additional debug info,
-b for binary output (M17 baseband as a packed bitstream),
-T for PTT on command,
-O for PTT off command


-A for M17Gateway address (optional),
-P for M17Gateway port (default: 17011),
-d to dump additional debug info,
-l to enable LICH data dump


This code is based on previous work done by: Rob Riggs WX9O, Jay Francis KA1PQK, David Cherkus N1AI, and Paulo Duarte PU4THZ.