M4-Park-Checklist / m4-parks-backend

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NPS Service is an API that provides details on all US national parks, preserves, monuments, memorials, historic sites, seashores, and national battlefield parks.

The project follows service-oriented architecture (SOA) and is divided into two different repositories:

NPS Service API fits into our projects SOA by providing the endpoint and backend logic that allows us to easily connect to any given front end service as a way of being able to quickly adapt.

Getting Started

The fastest way to start working out using NPS Service is to visit our deployed app [here]().

If you would like to run the application locally, you will need Rails 7.X.X and to clone both NPS Service-FE and NPS Service-BE, since the application follows service-oriented architecture. For the BE repo, follow the steps below. For the FE Repo, follow the Getting Started steps within the repo.

  1. bundle install
  2. rails db:{drop,create}
  3. bundle exec rspec -- to see TDD in action
  4. rails server

Then, in your browser, visit localhost:3000 and follow the prompts on screen.

Response samples are available in the request_samples directory.


We recommend a basic understanding of the following concepts before diving in to our code:

Requirements for the software and other tools to build, test and push


bundle install
rails db:{create,migrate}

Gems Included:

Running the tests

Follow commands below to run the app test suite.

bundle exec rspec


This project is deployed using render here


Contributions are welcome and can be submitted by pull request.


The current version (V1) of our application is live here on github.



This project is not licensed and is open source.
