The documentation is available on populse_mia's website here
From PyPI, for users
By cloning the package, for developers
From source, to use the latest version of populse_mia
After an installation in user mode:
python3 -m populse_mia
After an installation in developer mode, interprets the file from the source code directory:
cd [populse_install_dir]/populse_mia/python/populse_mia
Depending on the operating system used, it was observed some compatibility issues with PyQt5/SIP. In this case, we recommend, as a first attempt, to do:
python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall pyqt5==5.14.0
python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall PyQt5-sip==5.0.1
If you'd like to contribute to the project please read our developer documentation page. Please also read through our code of conduct.
The script of tests is python/populse_mia/, so the following command launches the tests:
python3 python/populse_mia/ (from populse_mia root folder, for example [populse_install_dir]/populse_mia)
In case of a problem or to ask a question about how to do something in populse_mia, please open an issue.
The developer team can even be contacted using