MAGICGrants / Monero-Fund-Elections

Repository for elections for the MAGIC Monero Fund
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About the MAGIC Monero Fund

The MAGIC Monero Fund is one of the most important volunteer opportunities for the ecosystem. You will meet regularly with other committee members to work on various Monero-related projects.

This election cycle, there are 2 committee positions open for 2-year terms. Incumbent seats up for election are Rucknium and kayabaNerve. monerobull, artlimber, and kowalabearhugs are 1 year into their 2 year terms.


Announce your candidacy as a Fund committee member

➡️ Click here to accounce your candidacy

See existing applicants:

Committee member expectations:

A committee member candidate is encouraged to apply to be a voter as well, if they are not one already.

Apply to be a Fund voter

➡️ Click here to apply to vote

You may alternatively submit nominations by email to that address the same questions in the form:

Voter expectations:

Voting process for existing voters