MAP-Productions / Reinvention-Stories

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Reinvention Stories

Install at the web root or sub-domain, not in a sub-directory.

Production Install

Tested on Linux version 2.6.18-028stab101.1 with Apache/2.2.22. Be sure mod_rewrite module is installed. htaccess file may need to be modified if app is not run from root directory.

Using ssh and git

Clone repository into web directory and checkout stable branch.

cd /path/to/web
git clone .
git checkout stable

Copy htaccess and index dist files.

cp .htaccess.dist .htaccess
cp index.html.dist index.html

## Setup

npm install
git submodule update --init --recursive

Build Commands

bbb watch
bbb debug
bbb release

Localize Video Resources

cd app/video && sudo chmod +x && ./


Vendor deps: