MAPC / neighborhood-drawing-tool

Draw your neighborhood on a map. Get data about it. Use the data to drive change.
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Neighborhood Drawing Tool

What it is

How it works

Getting Set Up for Development

It's quite simple, really. We're using Browserify to keep the code modular.

Compiling Modular Javascript

Inspiration for the modular design we'd like to achieve: Addy Osmani's post on Large-Scale JS Architecture.

Eventually we'll get Grunt to run some build tasks for us, but in the meantime, we'll use browserify.

Run browserify scripts/main.js > scripts/bundle.js to bundle all main.js with all of its dependencies, since the browser doesn't know how to handle require statements yet.

Development Guidelines


var object = { something: "placeholder" }
  , text   = "a phrase"
  , number = 11.001