MASILab / tbi_ct_lesion_segmentation

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CT Hematoma Segmentation with U-net


Segment hematoma slice-wise from head CT images.

Quick Alternative Start: Singularity (recommended to apply segmentations)

The included singularity image is written to process head CT volumes from a single input directory and produce corresponding mask volumes to a single output directory. Segmentations are still applied slice-wise on independent slices. The expected directory hierarchy for this singularity image is a directory with non-contrast head CT volumes of filetype .nii.gz in hounsfield units at around 0.5mm in-plane resolution. The best trained multi-site weights are packaged in the container.

All .nii.gz files in the input directory will be segmented.

To run, three arguments are needed:

GPU_MODE=1 # 0 means disable GPU, 1 means use all available GPUs

singularity run --nv tbi_ct_lesion_segmentation.sif ${INPUT_DIR} ${OUTPUT_DIR} ${GPU_MODE}

In order to make use of the mandatory --nv flag, the host computer must have a CUDA-compatible GPU with correct Nvidia Drivers and CUDA installation. Note that the --nv flag is required even if not setting GPU_MODE=1.

Non-Singularity Directions (recommended if re-training)

Directory Setup

Create data directories and subdirectories as below. Training will be executed over the data in the train directory and tested over data in the test directory.

The my_images_to_segment directory is for images we don't have the masks for

+-- data/
|   +-- train/
|   |   +-- file_1_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_1_mask.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_2_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_2_mask.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_3_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_3_mask.nii.gz
|   +-- test/
|   |   +-- file_1_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_1_mask.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_2_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_2_mask.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_3_CT.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_3_mask.nii.gz
|   +-- my_images_to_segment/
|   |   +-- file_1.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_2.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_3.nii.gz
|   |   +-- file_n.nii.gz


Run to train a classification model with some desired arguments.

--datadir: Path to where the unprocessed data is

--psize: Size of patches to gather, of the from INTEGERxINTEGER. INTEGER should be a power of 2

--num_patches: Number of patches to extract from each CT volume

--batch_size: Batch size for training the neural network

--num_channels: Number of channels in training images.

--experiment_details: A string describing this training run, for human organization

--gpuid: the ID of the GPU to train with, for multi-GPU systems. Enter -1 to utilize all available GPUs

Example usage: python --traindir data/train/ --psize 128x128 --num_patches 1000 --batch_size 128 --num_channels 1 --experiment_details my_experiment


Run to classify a single image with some desired arguments:

--infile: Path to where the unprocessed single image volume is

--inmask: (OPTIONAL) Path to where the manually created binary mask volume is

--weights: path to the trained model weights (.hdf5) to use

--segdir: Path to directory in which segmentations will be placed.

Example usage: python --infile my_data/my_first_image.nii.gz --inmask mydata/my_first_image_mask.nii.gz --weights my_weighs.hdf5 --segdir my_segmentation_dir

Example usage if manual mask is unavailable: python --infile my_data/my_first_image.nii.gz --weights my_weighs.hdf5 --segdir my_segmentation_dir


Run to validate the model on some holdout data for which the ground truth is known and record metrics with some desired arguments:

--datadir: Path to where the unprocessed data is

--weights: path to the trained model weights (.hdf5) to use

Example usage: python --datadir data/test/ --weights models/weights/my_experiment/my_weights.hdf5

Image Preprocessing

Here are all the preprocessing steps which are automatically executed in,, and

All preprocessing code is located in utils/

1) Skullstrip according to 2) Orient to RAI

These preprocessing steps require the following external programs:


If this code is helpful, please cite our related work:

  title={Distributed deep learning across multisite datasets for generalized CT hemorrhage segmentation},
  author={Remedios, Samuel W and Roy, Snehashis and Bermudez, Camilo and Patel, Mayur B and Butman, John A and Landman, Bennett A and Pham, Dzung L},
  journal={Medical physics},
  publisher={Wiley Online Library}