MAVProxyUser / YushuTechUnitreeGo1

宇树科技 Yushu Technology (Unitree) go1 development notes
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Access ROS camera topics #10

Open SOrtonn opened 8 months ago

SOrtonn commented 8 months ago


I'm trying to stream the data shown over /camera1 (topics)

I have written basic subscribers in both cpp and python and both return issues saying the package cv_bridge is not found. This subscriber works without cv bridge so the only thing that doesnt work is trying to view the output stream

I am trying to run these on the internal pi, and struggling since it doesnt have internet access.

Can anyone help me with what my issue is


MAVProxyUser commented 8 months ago

You can always plug ethernet into the dogs back and give it ethernet.

Why are you trying to run this ON the pi? when the pi becomes overloaded, the realtime functionality fails, and the dog falls FYI.

AATB has a "republisher" that he has shared.

You can alternately try this method.

MAVProxyUser commented 8 months ago

Ask on our slack group for more help if you haven't.

SOrtonn commented 8 months ago

I will look at both of these thanks.

I cant join the slack... I'm using the Edu as part of my University proj and hence don't have the email thats required..

aatb-ch commented 8 months ago

btw I'm in the process of rewriting the cpp republisher, use only the python camera publishing now, cpp node is in progress. But as @MAVProxyUser said you're better off running that on the jetson directly since it has access to the video device

MAVProxyUser commented 8 months ago

@SOrtonn you do not need a email to join our slack at all...

SOrtonn commented 8 months ago

That link works... I've deffo clicked another one that required specific emails. Thanks!

MAVProxyUser commented 8 months ago

Where did you find that link ?