MAVProxyUser / YushuTechUnitreeGo1

宇树科技 Yushu Technology (Unitree) go1 development notes
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View real robot in rviz #7

Open mmints opened 1 year ago

mmints commented 1 year ago

First of all thanks for your great work. Your readme very helps our group to get started with our Go1 Edu NX.

Currently we are having trouble to visualize the robot in rviz on a remote computer. Following Setup:

Remote PC:

To the issue: On starting roslaunch go1_description go1_rviz.launch I'm getting following error:

RLException: Unable to contact my own server at [].
This usually means that the network is not configured properly.

A common cause is that the machine cannot connect to itself.  Please check
for errors by running:


For more tips, please see

The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

The curious thing is, that I have a fine working connection with the robot. I can ping the pi, I can view all topics, I can publish and subscribe.

My second attempted was to start rviz by its own. There I'm getting following error:

No tf data.  Actual error: Fixed Frame [map] does not exist

The general solution (just publish a fixed frame to tf) didn't work. Anyhow I can see all topics in the selection menu in rviz: image

Any advice on this issue?

MAVProxyUser commented 1 year ago

Are you connecting via ethernet, or wifi? Maybe you need to add a route if using wifi?

Stop by slack and we can discuss further:

mmints commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the link! I'm connected via ethernet.

My problem is, that I've no idea where to look. Did you menage to view the Go1 in rviz on a remote computer or did you somehow use rviz on the robots pi?