MArpogaus / awesome-ayu

Minimalistic awesome window manager theme using the gorgeous ayu color palette.
MIT License
84 stars 3 forks source link
awesomewm ayu-colors ayu-theme color-scheme copycats linux lua mononoki owfont theme wpgtk

ayu is a simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions — dark, mirage and light for all day long comfortable work.

This theme has been inspired by the multicolor theme from Awesome WM Copycats and uses the gorgeous ayu color palette.



dark colors scheme


mirage colors scheme


light colors scheme



optional to switch colorschemes

Preconfigured awesome configuration

My awesome configuration uses this theme. Follow the instruction in my awesome-rc repo to use my setup as a starting point.

Use theme with your custom configuration.

Follow these instruction to use my theme in your custom awesome configuration.

  1. Clone vicious and theme to ~/.config/awesome/

    cd $HOME/.config/awesome
    mkdir themes
    git clone themes/ayu
    git clone vicious
  2. Install Font Awesome 4 and mononoki

    # Debian / Ubuntu
    apt install fonts-font-awesome fonts-mononoki
    # Manjaro
    pamac build ttf-font-awesome-4 ttf-mononoki
  3. Download and install owfont

    wget -O /usr/share/fonts/TTF/owfont-regular.ttf ''
  4. Create your configuration file.

    cp themes/ayu/config.lua.template config.lua
  5. Load the theme in your rc.lua

    local chosen_theme= "ayu"
    beautiful.init(string.format("%s/.config/awesome/themes/%s/theme.lua", os.getenv("HOME"), chosen_theme))
  6. Optional: install wpgtk to switch colorschemes. JSON colorschemes and a Rofi template can be found in the wpg folder.

    # Install from Pip
    sudo pip3 install wpgtk
    # Install from AUR
    pamac build wpgtk-git
    # install colorschemes
    cd $HOME/.config/awesome/themes/ayu/img
    cs=light; wpg -a $cs.png; wpg -i $cs.png ../wpg/ayu_$cs.json
    cs=dark; wpg -a $cs.png; wpg -i $cs.png ../wpg/ayu_$cs.json
    cs=mirage; wpg -a $cs.png; wpg -i $cs.png ../wpg/ayu_$cs.json
    # install wpgtk templates for icons, gtk and rofi themes -gir
    # install modified rofi template
    cp $HOME/.config/awesome/themes/ayu/wpg/templates/rofi.base $HOME/.config/wpg/templates/rofi.base
    # restore on startup
    echo '$HOME/.config/wpg/' > $HOME/.xprofile


The configuration file config.lua allows you to adjust the appearance of the theme to your needs. The following table gives an overview of all configuration parameters:

Name Description Type
tyrannical using Tyrannical tag managment engine bool
xresources load colorschemes from xresources bool
color_scheme colorscheme to use string
dpi number of pixels per inch of the screen string
icon_theme icon theme to use string
wallpaper path to your wallpaper string
desktop_widgets enable/disable desktop widget bool
wibar_widgets widgets for the wibar array of strings
arc_widgets widgets for the the desktop pop up array of strings
widgets_arg widget parameters (see below) table

If parameters are unset the following defaults are used:

    -- Load colorschemes from xresources
    xresources = false,
    color_scheme = 'light',

    -- icon theme to use
    icon_theme = 'HighContrast',

    -- disable desktop widget
    desktop_widgets = true,

    -- Using Tyrannical tag managment engine
    tyrannical = false,

    -- widgets to be added to wibar
    wibar_widgets = {

    -- widgets to be added to the desktop pop up
    arc_widgets = {'cpu', 'mem', 'fs', 'bat'}

Widget Parameters

Some widgets (weather, temp, net) require additional configuration. The parameters for each widget are stored in a table under the key widgets_arg in the configuration.

A example configuration is shown in the following listing:

    weather = {
        -- Your city for the weather widget
        city_id = '2643743',
        app_id = '4c57f0c88d9844630327623633ce269cf826ab99'
    temp = {
        -- Set resource for temperature widget
        thermal_zone = 'thermal_zone0'
    net = {
        -- Network interface
        net_interface = 'eth0'

The following table gives an overview of all widget parameters:

Name Description Type
city_id open weather map id of your city. Find it here: string
app_id open weather map API key. Sign up here: string
thermal_zone resource for temperature widget: string
net_interface network interface to monitor: string

Helper functions

A set of helper functions is provided to toggle the colorscheme using key bindings. This functionality is implemented in multiple steps:

  1. The awesome colorscheme is updated. This involves updating the theme colors and regenerating all widgets.
  2. wpgtk is used to update gtk and rofi themes.

    Note: remember to use to install the wpk templates for gtk, icons and rofi

  3. sed is used to change the sublime text colorscheme.

    Note: the settings file is expected to be found under ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings

  4. xsettingsd is used to change the icon theme.

Warning: This is optimized to work on my machine. You might want to check the implementation to avoid any damage to your system.

To use these functions import the utilities packages

local util = require('themes.ayu.util')

and add the following key bindings to your rc.lua:

    {modkey, altkey, 'Control'}, 'l', util.set_light,
    {description = 'set light colorscheme', group = 'theme'}
), awful.key(
    {modkey, altkey, 'Control'}, 'm', util.set_mirage,
    {description = 'set mirage colorscheme', group = 'theme'}
), awful.key(
    {modkey, altkey, 'Control'}, 'd', util.set_dark,
    {description = 'set dark colorscheme', group = 'theme'}


licensed under MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Marcel Arpogaus. See LICENSE for further details.

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