MCMicS / jenkins-control-plugin

Jenkins integration in IDEA Platforms
Apache License 2.0
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idea-plugin intellj jenkins-plugin

Jenkins Plugin 0.13.21 for Jetbrains products

Build Status Plugin Compatibility

SonarCloud Analysis Quality Gate Status Vulnerabilities Qodana


GitHub Release Date Version Downloads JetBrains IntelliJ Plugins GitHub

Current Release

Use EAP Builds


This plugin allows to view the content of your Jenkins Continuous Integration Server.



Multibranch Support



Plugin Compatibility

This plugin was built with JDK 11 but Java 8 Source level for older IDEA versions. Jenkins CIs of jenkins-ci and are used for manual and stress testing.

Installation steps

Download this plugin from your IDE or from the plugin website.

Configuration steps

Connection succeeded

Connection failed


This plugin uses the IDEA Notification System. Default is Tool Window Balloon (as in previous versions). If the message is too large for screen it is not shown. It can be configured from Event log window: Configure Notification from Event Log window

It is also possible to configure it (Settings -> Appearance -> Notifications -> Jenkins Notifications) to show only balloon or only log Configure Notification from Settings Dialog


Build sorting

Set Job as favorite

Favorite view

RSS Reader

The RSS reader has moved to the Event Log. If you need to refresh manually, click on the Rss icon button.

Rss view



Patch Parameter Plugin Support (Pre-tested commit) by Yuri Novitsky

  1. Install Patch Parameter Plugin in Jenkins setup1
  2. Setup Jenkin's job for patch support setup2
  3. Before each new build we need to rollback the patch changes with "revert" operation setup3
  1. Updating the list of jobs i recommend to install in 1 minute for quick notifications of the results of the build notification
  2. That's all. Now you can run builds with local changes directly from the IDE Create Upload
  3. Build status is displayed near the name of the changelist status

How to build

This project is built with Gradle. Just run ./gradlew buildPlugin.

Update Gradle version

gradle wrapper --gradle-version 6.8.1 --distribution-type bin

Open the plugin source in Intellij

Import the plugin as Gradle project into IntelliJ.

Run Intellij from IntelliJ

Create a Gradle Run configuration with task runIdea and just run it.


Use Jenkins Icons

We use some of the icons from Jenkins project . Download the files to src/main/resources/images, remove weather-icon- prefix and change the defined color variables to the Jetbrains Guideline values.

var(--yellow) --> #EDA200 
var(--cyan) --> #389FD6
var(--text-color-secondary) --> #6E6E6E
fill="transparent" --> fill="none"

Also change the size to 16px x 16px. Create icon for dark UI with different colors.


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