MCSclimate / MCT

Model Coupling Tookit
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-- Argonne National Laboratory

Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT)

Robert Jacob
Jay Larson
Everest Ong
Ray Loy

For more information, see

See MCT/LICENSE for license.


This is version 2.11 of the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT).

Our purpose in creating this toolkit is to support the construction of highly portable and extensible high-performance couplers for distributed memory parallel coupled models.


Current Contents of the directory MCT:

README -- this file

LICENSE -- copyright statement and license.

mct/ -- Source code for the Model Coupling Toolkit.

mpeu/ -- Source code for the message-passing environment utilities library (MPEU), which provides support for MCT

mpi-serial/ -- Source code for optional mpi replacement library.

examples/-- Source code for examples which demonstrate the use of MCT.

doc/ -- documentation for MCT

protex/ -- tool for constructing documentation from source code

data/ -- input data for running example programs. Not needed to compile the library.

m4/ -- files for autoconf (not needed to build).

###################################################################### REQUIREMENTS:

Building MCT requires a Fortran90 compiler.

A full MPI library is now optional. To compile without MPI, add --enable-mpiserial to the configure command below. Note that not all the examples will work without MPI. See mpi-serial/README for more information.

The MCT library builds and the examples run on the following platforms/compilers:

Linux: Portland Group, Intel, gfortran, Absoft, Pathscale, Lahey, NAG MacOSX: gfortran IBM (AIX) xlf IBM BlueGene (see PLATFORM NOTE below) NEC Fujitsu

Running some of the examples requires a full MPI installation with mpirun Memory requirements are modest.

###################################################################### BUILD INSTRUCTIONS:

In the top level directory (the location of this README):

./configure make

"make examples" will build the example programs.

BUILD HELP: Try "./configure -help" for a list of options.

The correct Fortran90 compiler must be in your current path. A frequent problem on Linux is when more than one F90 compiler is in your path and configure finds one and later finds mpif90 for another.

Example: If configure has trouble finding the correct F90 compiler:

./configure FC=pgf90.

You can also direct configure through environment variables:

setenv FC xlf90 ./configure

If the build fails, please do the following:

./configure >& config.out make >& make.out and send us config.out, make.out and config.log (which is produced by the configure command)

PLATFORM NOTES: On a BlueGene, use:

./configure FC=bgxlf90_r CC=mpixlc_r MPIFC=mpixlf90_r (can also use versions without _r)

###################################################################### INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:

"make install" will copy the .mod files to the /usr/include directory and the *lib.a files to /usr/lib. To override these choices, use "-prefix" when running configure:

./configure --prefix=/home/$USER With the above option, "make install" will place .mod's in /home/$USER/include and *lib.a's in /home/$USER/lib

###################################################################### BUILDING AND RUNNING THE EXAMPLES

The programs in MCT/examples/simple require no input.

The programs in MCT/examples/climate_concur1 and MCT/examples/climate_sequen1 require some input data in a directory called MCT/data. The dataset is available with MCT or separately from the website.

To build them, type "make examples" in the top level directory or cd to examples and type "make".


Both MCT and MPEU source code are self-documenting. All modules and routines contain prologues that can be extracted and processed into LaTeX source code by the public-domain tool ProTeX. ProTeX is included in the MCT source and available from:

You can build the documentation with protex and latex by following the directions in the doc directory.



18 Oct, 2000 -- Initial prototype 09 Feb, 2001 -- working MxN transfer 27 Apr, 2001 -- Sparse Matrix Multiply 13 Jun, 2001 -- General Grid 23 Aug, 2001 -- Linux PGF90 port 14 Dec, 2001 -- PCM support 29 Mar, 2002 -- Rearranger 14 Nov, 2002 -- version 1.0.0 -- first public release 11 Feb, 2003 -- version 1.0.4 12 Mar, 2003 -- version 1.0.5 02 Apr, 2003 -- version 1.0.7 03 Jul, 2003 -- version 1.0.9 26 Aug, 2003 -- version 1.0.12 12 Sep, 2003 -- version 1.0.14 21 Jan, 2004 -- version 1.4.0 05 Feb, 2004 -- version 1.6.0 23 Apr, 2004 -- version 2.0.0 18 May, 2004 -- version 2.0.1 11 Jul, 2004 -- version 2.0.2 19 Oct, 2004 -- version 2.0.3 (not released) 21 Jan, 2005 -- version 2.1.0 01 Dec, 2005 -- version 2.2.0 22 Apr, 2006 -- version 2.2.1 (not released) 08 Sep, 2006 -- version 2.2.2 16 Oct, 2006 -- version 2.2.3 10 Jan, 2007 -- version 2.3.0 17 Aug, 2007 -- version 2.4.0 21 Nov, 2007 -- version 2.4.1 20 Dec, 2007 -- version 2.4.2 (not released) 21 Jan, 2008 -- version 2.4.3 (not released) 28 Jan, 2008 -- version 2.5.0 20 May, 2008 -- version 2.5.1 05 Mar, 2009 -- version 2.6.0 05 Jan, 2010 -- version 2.7.0 (released only in CCSM4) 28 Feb, 2010 -- version 2.7.1 (released only in CESM1) 30 Nov, 2010 -- version 2.7.2 (released only in CESM1.0.3) 25 Jan, 2011 -- version 2.7.3 (not released) 07 Mar, 2012 -- version 2.7.4 (not released) 30 Apr, 2012 -- version 2.8.0 05 Jul, 2012 -- version 2.8.1 (not released) 12 Sep, 2012 -- version 2.8.2 (not released) 16 Dec, 2012 -- version 2.8.3 19 Jun, 2015 -- version 2.9.0 19 Apr, 2018 -- version 2.10.0 11 Feb, 2021 -- version 2.11.0